Naim in 2024 - what do you really really want?

I’m a man of simple means, I would merely like the display functions on the Uniti and Streamers sorted so you can constantly display track info screen without it defaulting to album art, all easily sorted via the remote I would have thought via a three way latching toggle on the remote display button - Album Art, Track Info, Off. For a display thats included in so many different products now it’s greatly under utilsed and exploited.


Already have that with the Superline, especially with a Supercap - still up there with the best around. Or are you after something that costs even more - sort of a “Statement” price level phono stage?


Richard agreed my Superline is right up there, but yes I think they might go further with a Statement level model along with a DAC/streamer. Keep pushing at the limits.


“You may say I’m a dreamer”



Active Crossover with DSP support.


GBP 15-30k price level phono that could compete with likes of Audio Research Phono 10

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Is it good?

I was rather put off Audio Research thanks to one of their phono stages, which I really did not get on with at all. I did try though, and it was a fair while back (mid '90s) now.

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I agree whole heartedly with this. I miss the display on off button of the green screen streamers… it’s a bit of a rigmarole turning it off /on with the 2nd gen devices. Also, when displaying track info it would be good if it would scroll to show it all particularly on Internet radio

You really want a nice valve phono amp to really push way above what the superline/supercap can do.
As if not it’s more just a different take on it all, valves and analogue work so well together.
Well, that’s what i have found with my phono journey over the years.
But i can’t see Naim bringing out a valve phono stage, so i guess the superline is it.

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A £1,500 phono stage that could compete with Audio Research would surely be even better. The market for a £30,000 phono stage must be vanishingly small. I’d rather Naim was affordable, rather than making stuff for millionaires, much of which is bought just because it’s expensive rather than any good.


I have never heard it but I’d like to hope so at this price range. I used Audio Research just as an example there are a few other that come to my mind like Brinkmann Edison or RCM TheRiaa.

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You can’t do the right thing for doing the right thing. When Naim brought out the Musos and launching in JL they were accused of dumbing down!


On the subject of Fraim an adapted top shelf to cater for wider turntables.

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Durable screen and up to date streamer section for NDS

@HungryHalibut further to my missive above don’t high end developments in any field lead to trickle down?

Probably best to have a custom built piece of glass - a number of customers have done this in the past - as otherwise I would guess the low numbers would not justify having the option made available.


Richard a good point. In fact I know of one user who purchased a Vertere MG and to get around the problem he swapped his Fraim top shelf for a Fraimlite.

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Of course they can and Naim has learned a lot from the Statement project. My point was in response to the idea of building a £30,000 phono stage. Making something because it’s good is one thing, but building to a price and selling it because it’s expensive is something else.

Fair enough but the price/cost is just not the point for me what people can and more importantly choose to afford is for them. I like to see evolution, innovation and development even if I don’t necessarily like the end result, striving for excellence is crucial. And Statement is a very good case in point I’m on record as saying on the occasions I’ve heard it I’ve never been wholly persuaded (show conditions and big Focals) BUT for one occasion in a London dealer when it was paired with a Vertere RG turntable and Magico M3 (I think) speakers, unfortunately I could only stay for 15 minutes but what I heard was probably better than anything before or since. Would never ever be able to afford it but I’m really glad that such a level of performance was achievable. Cliche old chap but it’s all good!


An Atom-like streamer with proper DIN output. Like the headphone edition, but meant for pairing with all the current Naits.

We need a source in the $2-5000 range but has a screen. It’s hard to justify an $11,500 NDX2 although would love to have one.