Naim in 2024 - what do you really really want?


Clue is in the thread title. :grinning:


Bring back Guy Lamotte and build the Naim electrostatic loudspeaker that he was working on, the legendary (or infamous) FL-1.

Thirty years ago, the components could not be built to the tolerances required, but could they be manufactured now?

Oh, and get him to design a ‘new’ ARO too!


With Focal ownership :disguised_face: :sweat_smile:


Firstly, Naim branded speakers ( even if there made by focal ) traditional looking wood veneers bookshelf, midsized floorstander, and larger floorstander. All with proper 7-8” bass units that can fill a room like the old days.

And a stage line replacement under £1000 for new classic

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I would buy. a Naim shoebox streamer and shoebox CD transport at the drop of a hat. I know they’d have to source the drive from TEAC but they could apply their knowledge on clean power, a screen for album art and rechecking to the outputs for the purest digital out.


Probably more chance of Lazarus being ressurected but…you never know…

So with you on both of these! I might baulk at the transport having just bought one, but the streamer/network player I’d be all over. Team it up with my Dac-V1 and a pair of powered speakers and I’d have my office system sorted.

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And a graphic equaliser,

I didn’t pay much attention in RE classes, but I seem to recall that Lazarus was resurrected once, so the possibility of another resurrection must be fair-ish!


A new Naim cd player that betters the 5CDsi


Yes, it should be great ! And with digital output :wink:

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I just want nothing to break as I love everything about my system at the moment.


Shouldn’t be difficult but don’t hold your breath, not a future niche for Naim.

Yep.Kind of sad that it is NOT a future niche.I wish Naim would be more like Rega in their cd product offerings and Rega would be more like Naim in their cd player designs.Somewhat excited Exposure is bring out a new full width top loading cd player (the 3510) (around the 3000-3500usd mark I was told by Tony Brady)

Shoebox streamer to match the Nait 50 with at least an optical digital input so the combo can replace Nova in the living room and handle TV sound duties.

I actively do not want streamer and DAC in separate boxes with attendant extra cables etc - I already have that in my main system. The Nait 50 demands simplicity for any accompanying source.

I will be making do with an ifi stream with an Audioquest DAC plugged in the back of it (the cheapest possible alternative as I already have the DAC and a low noise PS for the Stream) while I’m waiting.

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A sale.


I’d like standby functions on PSs and NAPs, and full range volume pots on NACs. A 500 level integrated pre and streamer would be nice but I don’t think it at all likely.

The vibe seems to be that a refreshed 500 series is some way off, a challenge to improve upon apparently.

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I’ve said before but if we can’t have a top line CDP or transport, a Uniticore/2 which can do CD replay as well.