Naim monoblocks to complement the Atom

Some users use the HE with active speakers and with success. However, the range of active speakers in a corresponding price range is very small. Active loudspeakers also mean fixing on a loudspeaker/amplifier combination. A dealer recently told me that he no longer sells active speakers for less than 10k. Apparently there have been technical problems with reliability. Everything is housed in a small cabinet.
I would like to see a stereo power amp in the same Shoebox design as the Atom/HE. I would also prefer this to a Focal active speaker.


Good point indeed

You could use a Cyrus X Power either as a single power amp or use 2 as monoblocs


Yes! Especially for the Atom HE it would be a great addition, making it a killer allround system with satisfactory looks and sound

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Headphones and speakers indeed. What I do these days is keep the power amps switched off during the week and on week evenings I just use headphones. On Friday I switch on the poweramps for the weekend. I save a bit that way but it also feels better.

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Maybe not a mono block but a Statement power amp could act as a nice stand for an Atom HE and you would have the ultimate mullet system :grinning: :grinning:


Think they are :slight_smile:


Iā€™m surprised. Both the PMC active monitors like the Atom HE priced Result6 and JBL active studio monitors (if you want to keep costs down) are known for rugged reliability.

If he was to say he just doesnā€™t like the idea of active speakers, Iā€™d agree. But I donā€™t think reliability is a major issue.


Active speakers could be a great solution as @afgverhart suggested to me, the Elac-ARB51. And they do not have active DSP which is perfect to use with Naim Atom Uniti HE. DSP is provide by the HE.

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This is a topic than comes regularly in the threads. I hope Naim Audio will take that into consideration. And considering the success of the Nait50, i think this is a good example of the shoebox marketā€™s to come.


They could call it the NAP 100 maybe.


Yes, they would have to make new ones! Serviced used are hard to find.

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Absolutely! Iā€™ve built three additional systems for other rooms. All shoebox. Naim didnā€™t get my money on thoseā€¦ they donā€™t have any suitable current products to build a full separates shoebox system.


I have a NAP 100 . . . I should auction it off!


Hello Eoin, good post.

I think the success of the Nait 50 shows a liking for smaller cased products

Hoping you are well ?

best wishes



But does it? I bet the vast majority of 50 sales were to long standing Naim owners, misty eyed for the CB years, when they started with Naim, rather than new customers, which is what Naim need. How many people really want a load of funny little boxes and wires all over the place?


Well i think you said it! How many people can start with $40000 to $100,000cad 6 box system? Shoebox are entry line. Or for someone like me, i sold the big system to downsize.

The people who prioritise the best possible sound over aesthetics donā€™t mind too much about boxes and wires. Naimā€™s boxes and wires are attractive anyway.

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I prioritise the best possible sound respecting my space and budget. So yes i do mind too many boxes and wires.

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