Naim monoblocks to complement the Atom

An idea just popped up in my head. Would a similar styled and sized monoblock not be a great lifestyle product to complement the uniti atom and atom headphone edition?

I would certainly buy it. Same styling and small sizes with the added power for better sound.

3 similar sized small boxes are much nicer then big boxes or a small and a big box.

Just an idea from me as a designer.


Same situation for me. I really enjoy my Uniti Atom HE with Stellia headphones. I would like to expand my system with small shoebox size amp, Atom like, and bookshelf speakers. Hopefuly Naim will offer us something in a near futur, if not there is a competitive market. And i really think it would have a positive selling argument for the Atom HE as a preamp.


The Atom HE and the New Classic NAP 250 could be an interesting combination - anyone tried that set up yet?

A new NAP 200 in an Atom sized case to pair with an Atom HE could form the basis of a rather potent but compact system.

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I’m praying for that on a daily basis in direction of Salisbury.


Yes that would be great. I would be interested too and would buy one with the Atom HE or an 111 Streamer/preamp. I hope Naim will read this thread


I’ve been running my Atom into 2 non Naim Monoblocks for around a year and loved it in my room. I’ve now moved on but the Atom on it’s own just wasn’t floating my boat so I had to fiddle!

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quote=“YetiZone, post:3, topic:30932”]
Atom HE and the New Classic NAP 250 could be an interesting combination - anyone tried

yes, and it’s bonkers good!
I read that some Naim staff too use this set up, I wonder why?:slight_smile:


Take a look at the Exposure xm9.


Nice, thanks!

There is also the Benchmark AHB2.

there some good options

To my experience so far, no amp is too good for the Atom HE!:slight_smile:


I’m bemused at people wanting to add power amps to a one-box system.

To me at least, the whole raison d’ĂȘtre of the Atom, Nova etc. is that they are one box.
Adding anything sort of defeats that.

If you want more power, don’t buy a one-box system.


Most people here are referencing the Atom Headphone Edition (HE) rather than the Atom, the HE is a streamer/preamp/headphone amp in one box, and to drive speakers requires a power amp. I’ve not listened, but people who have seem very impressed with it, and given the form factor it would make for a nice compact 3 box with compact monoblocs.


It’s also about the looks here not only about power, a lifestyle product/design perspective. To me the size and the look of the atom is unmatched. The nova is not the same.
Having two extra similar boxes matching the atom would still be satisfactory. And then also bring extra sound quality with separate 2x ± 50 watts mono.
Almost as a wink and reference to the bigger brother, the statement, that has the same aesthetic

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Nice did not know these

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I have a Nova and agree that it’s nothing like as pretty as an Atom. But if we are thinking ‘lifestyle’, how popular would a setup with three mains leads and two interconnects really be? It definitely appeals to the hifi geek, but as a ‘lifestyle’ product I’m not so sure.


Well that’s really my point. People buying a one-box system are generally going to be at least as concerned with looks as with performance. They are consciously making a choice of sacrificing some performance for looks. Or at least that would be my thinking if I were to opt for a one-box system.

Adding extra boxes? If you’re going to do that then, from whatever perspective, a one box system is just not the best starting point. Better to dtich it and start over from scratch IMHO.

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I think you really dont get it. The Atom HE is a preamp. Its superior to the one box Atom 40 watts. So people who love the HE as a starting point of a new system and who like the shoebox size, wants a power amp that match with it. So they can have the best of both world, headphones and speakers. I am one of those. Isn’t it the whole picture of Naim audio? Preamps, power amps, integrated? So a matching power amp would be really appreciated. If not Naim, there is a lot of competition on the market. Would i prefer a Naim, yes. But i will go with what is available on the market. And not everyone wants 6 full-size boxes for a system.


I would be happy with 2 box! One stereo amp to match HE!


As A lifestyle product I suspect the intended usage is active speakers rather than a power amp.

But sure, if you want a small power amp that is less than 30cm on a side, it won’t be Naim. Nytech, Cyrus, TEAC. I mention the latter because I recently borrowed a AP-505 which is tiny but can be BTL moded for use as a monoblock. And it’s definitely in an Atom appropriate price range.

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