Naim monoblocks to complement the Atom

Well in that case - perhaps it’s not you I’m referring to.

Not the people around whom to build a business in 2023 I’m afraid.

Even if you’re right - why would that be an issue for we customers to fret over? One would imagine that Naim’s management team are more than capable of assessing the best products to market.

May as well shut down the forum now . . . game over!

Because there are no other discussions on here other than marketing policy?

There is nothing in contradiction here. The new 300 series and the Statements are state of the art of Naim Audio. In my opinion the are really awesome, techically and aestically. But for some, smaller design Naim quality systems are also appealing. That’s where the Atom line comes in. I think there is a place for both.

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I am bemused by big experts that project issues at wrong forums.

At a lower price point, I’d add Acoustic Energy AE1 actives and lots of Genelec models to that list.


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I was speaking to Jason @ Naim this week & he suggested an HE with 350 monoblocks sounds rather good!

I have been running my HE with a 200dr for a while & recently demo’d the 222/250 new classics. The HE into the 250 was pretty good but not a patch on the 222. I have purchased the 222 & am planning to replace my 200dr with a 250 down the road. The 222 also at least equals the HE into headphones so the HE will be moved on soon too I think…

Good luck in your search :pray:


Also the Adam Audio range of actives, I’m using a pair of A7V short term till I move, don’t fancy humping round a pair of ATC SMC40a speakers :slight_smile:

If anyone is interested the 13th note guy on youtube has just done a review.

I’m sold on the pre/streamer plus actives setups. As an outcast from the main system, I have an Auralic Vega G2 which I’m intending to use as source in a second system with a suitable pair of active stand-mounts.

And I don’t really buy @Wilfried’s comment on reliability. I’ve certainly not heard of folk having problems with active ATCs, of which all the entry range and some in the pro range are under £10k. And studios are not going to buy gear that has a reputation for failing.



Those in the know use a NAS, tag support is better.

The 1TB maximum is pretty meaningless and will be no different in the Atom. Manufacturers (including Naim) often quote such limits, more for guidance than anything.

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I’ve got Nait 50 , and I take your point , though other manufacturers still offer half boxes i.e Cyrus, Exposure and Nytech (though I think Naim’s output will exceed the combined output of all three and then double that)

If I was really getting tight on boxes it would be a Technics 1500 turntable and a Star .

Very few people want multiple boxes and wires. But it’s always been this way. Music centres, receivers etc. always outsold separates since time eternal.

Quite often what happens is people reach a certain place in their life when the simplicity appeals yet they have the disposable income for quality. But they confuse their change in priorities towards a lifestyle/integrated product type with a wider trend. The market didn’t change. The consumer did. For lack of a better term, they joined the mainstream.


I use an Atom HE into the poweramp section of a SN2 seems a very good sound for me ,
Not sure what the equivalent solo poweramp would be ?
Don’t have anything else to plug into it just the Atom ,so may be solo poweramp my be better ,
No disposable cash at the moment so I’ll make do .:slightly_smiling_face:


@feeling_zen @PeakMan Ihave no experience with active speakers myself. A dealer I know (not my Naim dealer) told me about his experiences and problems. I can’t be more specific. However, I perceive that you have a different opinion. There are quite a number of forum members who use active speakers with success and are satisfied.
@jmtennapel Some of the models you mention are streaming active speakers with DSP. If you have any with Naim electronics (e.g. Atom HE or NC222), I (and probably others) would be interested.

The Atom can take a 2 TB…i have one. And you are right they list it at 1tb max also.

The many positive reports on the sound quality of the Nait50 suggest that a power amplifier in shoe box design with a little more power (40-50 watts) at a similar price to the Nait50 should also be economically possible. With the sound signature of the New Classic Series / Nait50, this would be very attractive.

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Wrong thread my friend…