Naim monoblocks to complement the Atom

The significant difference now is that it’s possible to have just one box and a pair of speakers and still get high-end sound. In the past, and I’m really thinking of way back in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, there were myriads of one-box solutions, radiograms, music centres etc. But they all sounded very significantly inferior to separates.

So back then, if you wanted high quality sound, your only option was a collection of separate boxes.

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Do you understand what a NAS is? Having your SSD on a server or directly available to your unit is the same in terms of tag support. Use the right tools. The only difference would be in capacity. With my NAS i could have 4 5TB SSD at the same time seeing one big 20TB drive. When i reach the limite of my 2TB, if one day and i doubt it, i will proceed to some “cleaning” in my albums collection, or have SSD for style of music separated. I use to work with NAS but having my SSD direct have improve music quality by simplifying the musical processing. Its a matter of choice, not for those as you said “in the know”.

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May i add, that this thread was created by someone and for those who love smaller, shoebox system, and in the like of finding the best units to complete an already excellent Naim Atom uniti HE. If this thread does not have a positive interest for you, pass to another thread. Thanks.


Shoebox size, look the German brand SPL Audio, superb systems.


I run a Nova with an NC250. I bought the Nova as a one box system with no intention to upgrade, but the uplift I heard when the NC250 was added (and the 250DR, which I also tried) was very large to my ears.

I can understand that many think of the Uniti products as “lifestyle”, but they are remarkably good products. Proper hifi in a single box. Brilliant. BUT that doesn’t mean that they can’t be improved, of course, by adding more boxes.

I hope at some point to buy a 222 and move the nova to a second system. When I demoed the various combinations, the step up from nova+250 to 222+250 was significant, but nowhere near the same level of uplift as going from the bare nova to nova+250.

On that basis, I reckon that putting a power amp (or monoblocks) on the Atom HE would be similarly considerable (compared to a standard Atom, for example, which I also owned, and which was a great piece of kit) and would be a very neat 2 (or 3) box system. If Naim were to release an amp (or pair) at a similar price point to the Atom, with complimentary styling, I think it could be a fantastic set up.


The 222 + 250 new classic is a really nice system. I could see it with a pair of Focal aria 948. But there is a cost and its around $40,000cad, 2x the Uniti HE plus a 5k amp, 5k speakers and 4k headphones (stellia).
If Naim would release a power amp, in the Atom line i would certainly buy it!


If Naim introduce a power amp for the HE, I suspect its biggest attraction would be the matching looks and lights. I have no doubt it would sound good, however the biggest advantage of the HE (apart from the obvious extreme, painful cuteness and design execution) is its top class sound and versatility to fit any speakers, environment and room size requirements by adding the amp you need. A Naim HE dedicated amp couldn’t possibly do all of that but of course it would be very desirable and popular, again only in the right setup (think Nait 50 power section or a bit more current and power?).

… And yet, at least for me, the best looking HE is actually the one sitting on top, alone … seemingly :slight_smile: (with any (beast) amp somewhere under and out of sight).


How can you not like look of this setup.

Maybe diy, fitting the amp section of the atom in the core case :wink:

Have a good day!


The one feature they “forgot” to put in the HE is a 12V trigger out. Then there would be no problem putting the “beast” amp out of sight.


Some of us have a problem with the whole “new brutalism” aesthetic of all the new Naim stuff.

OTOH it seems to be a common theme with gear coming out of the UK right now.


The high point of the brutalism for me really came with the 10th Anniv Classic edition!

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Don’t think you quite understand how the Internet works :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I do. People are prone to being mean behind a keyboard…but the administrator of this forum made it clear on another thread. There are rules to be followed. If you are not interested dont comment. If you are, answer the question in a helpful manner. Simple as that.


I agree. It’s that simple.

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When I started to read this thread, I thought it was barmy … but then I read further and the penny dropped…

The Atom HE is effectively a streaming pre-amp?


Umm that’s exactly what it is. It’s effectively one model down from the 222.


Which practically makes it the successor of NAC-N 172 XS. Which might suggest a thing or two regarding the future of the XS series (I don’t think there is any future for the si range)… Shoebox NSS anyone?

I’m not so sure about that. There have been posts comparing it not unfavourably with the 272. And it is the Headphone Edition after all, with an emphasis on headphone use.

I think the threat to the XS series comes more from the Nova.


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In what sense do you disagree? In terms of feature set (streamer, balanced pre-amp, headphone amp) and relative pricing, Atom HE is the small brother of NSC222, in a similar way to how 172 and 272 were related. The only thing missing from Atom HE is the phono input (which was not existent in the OC boxes anyway). Relative performance might be closer than in the past, but even better for the consumers in that case.

The question as you say is if the rest of the XS series gets folded into Uniti, or if it transforms into a “100” NC series. We should learn in a couple of months I hope. From the news regarding the new Australian distributor, we have this:

VerVent Audio, the parent company of the flagship French brand Focal and leading English electronics brand Naim Audio, says it is “accelerating its presence in Oceania, continuing to promote the know-how and excellence of its brands and preparing for 2024, which will be full of new products”.


It would make sense to have an Atom HE with a matching power amp (new NAP 100 NC) as a system between the Nova and the 222/250 NC. Or a range of Focal active speakers for the Atom HE and 222.