Naim NACA5 cable

Bought some second hand 2x3.8 m NACA5 cable with Naim plugs on amp side. I myself soldered Naim plugs for the speaker side. Sound is fuller more fleshed out compared to the 2x2 m QED XT25 i was using, but missing bit of sparkle/treble bite. I like treble bite. Will that be missing with NACA5?

You’ve already tried it and said it does only you can hear it your way.
Everything else will be others opinion.
Your pleasure is all that matters. :+1:t2:


@Skeptikal is right that only you can say how it sounds to you. But perhaps it is useful to say that NAC A5 doesn’t have a reputation for removing treble sparkle. The biggest criticism you will read here is that it’s very stiff and hard to accommodate.

There are lots of different speaker cables out there, so maybe borrow some from a dealer?

He did say he thought it removed sparkle and found it strange he observed a dislike but continued to ask the question his ears are the only tool required.
Indeed NAC A5 is a very well respected no nonsense cable with pedigree and the only difficulty is management sometimes but never a bad cable SQ wise.
As suggested there is a choice and go listen. :+1:t2:

No he said it removes sparkle!

I was agreeing with you and just adding some information that this wasn’t necessarily inevitable with NAC A5. Answering the question in his last sentence.

I think he’s too used to the qed cable which to me is horribly bright. Naca5 is far more natural but coming from qed if you like that kind of thing, you’d think it slightly dull. In reality (for me) it’s the artificial upper frequencies of the qed that makes it unpleasant.

I’ll edit my post to you and profoundly apologise for any misunderstanding on my part.
Best Regards

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I’ve certainly experienced some more recent QED cables that have been a bit too much on the light and bright side of the balance, so if that’s what you have been used to then you might wonder whether you are “missing” something with a cable that’s not as bright, relatively speaking.


I know its an age old discussion but I’m curious as to how a passive cable amplifies a particular range of frequencies? Attenuate for sure but to amplify I’d need convincing, perhaps its attenuating mid or lower frequencies and giving the impression of accentuated highs?

I don’t know technically how it works, but in my admittedly small experience of hearing qed, it has tended towards a brighter sound on balance. And very quickly my brain says no.
^^ looks like Richard has heard the same.

No apology required. It’s all good.

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Having tried several cables of different brands and prices I always came back to naca5 on my system, with the other cables something was missing…


Positioned the Motives SX2 a bit further apart with 15 degrees toe in so the tweeter is more on axis. This gives slightly more air/sparkle with NACA5. Quite happy now.


I turned 50 this june so probably everything above 12.000 hz isn’t that clear anymore :joy:

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I’ve found NAC A5 cables to be a match made in heaven with Naim amps & Motive SX2 speakers. Regarding the soldering, try to hunt down some MultiCore Crystal 505 60/40 tin/lead alloy solder and re-do the connections using new plugs.

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What music/audio test tracks do you all use to finetune toe in?

sorry but all the solder tips/tricks are pointless. It isn’t rocket science. If it is soldered okay than its fine, and it is fine. A bit more or less solder makes no difference.

What he means is, it’s possible to make a complete mess of connecting up sa8 plugs with naca5; if you use decent solder and a good iron then it makes the job easier to complete neatly.
If it looks like this, then its fine:

I’ve seen worse that’s not great but looks “wet” if you know what I mean the best I’ve seen is this below from Cymbiosis. :+1:t2:



In my experience with NAC A5, SA8s, quality of solder, soldering skills and with any other banana plugs for that matter is the better the termination(s) the better the final resulting sound. NAC A5 does not lack treble sparkle, bass, mid-range or any other myth that maybe described here.