Naim Nait 1 balance control

Quick question; does the balance knob on the Naim Nait 1 go completely counter clockwise to be balanced? I thought I read that somewhere but I can’t remember where. I know it doesn’t stay center.
Thanks in advance


Wow,Nait 1 owner’s manual! I will keep that. Thanks Skeptical!


Glad to help :+1:t2:

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Here’s the rest of the pages.


I feel I should pause and take a moment. What a manual! I expect that marketing depts and legal would choke on that today.

I never had one in the box for my Nait (1986) but having said that, the guidance on the balance control - by ear - did prove to be the way to go. All the way left or right, or estimating the centre given the lack of a detent, were definitely wrong!

The banana plugs were not in situ on mine but it may be that I bought some NACA4 with them on, since I still have that in the cupboard but can’t recall its history.

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You’re right, by ear is the best way. But it’s almost like the manual says; 45 degrees is “zero position”.

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But now I don’t know which to keep plugged in; the newly acquired Nait 1 or my faithful Nait 2. They both sound fantastic!


If you think that’s bad here’s a page from the very early Linn LP12 manual. :scream:

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I suppose the next question is ‘why did you buy it?’ Ie what’s it for? Second system?

On the contrary - I think it’s brilliant! I’m of an age where I miss that kind of prose.


Got a good deal and I always wanted to own both. And eventually ,a second set-up.

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Thanks @Skeptikal , those four pages from the Nait manual are the best thing I have read about my hobby in ages. Quite an insight. Thanks.


There wasn’t much purposeful materiality or similar twaddle back then, and for that we should be grateful.


You’re most welcome.
I’m glad I could help. :+1:t2:

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Hi Skeptikal,I just noticed on my Nait 1,that on the tuner input,the music is reverse.In other words,left is right and right is left.On the tape input it is normal.Is this another “quirk” ? Or just the early Nait 1’s? It doesn’t mention it in the manual.

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I wonder if one of the inputs is in the wrong way since new.
Seems strange for to be a difference.
Hopefully another Nait 1 owner will comment for advice.
Lovely retro job. :+1:t2:

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Same on my Nait 1 - there are quite a few out there with the channels swapped for the tuner input.

I believe it can be corrected during a service


Maybe just the very early ones then. Mine is a smooth knob red light.


Ooer missus. :wink:
Might be a good idea to get it serviced as still workable. :+1:t2: