Naim Olive

You do realise that any mention of “black” boxes in an Olive thread is tantamount to heresy.
:laughing: :laughing:


Perhaps you are meant to sympathise?

On the other hand, this may be a good place to say for the hundredth time how great the 52 is - and that the perfect power amp to go with it (for me at least) is the 300DR…

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Yes, yes, yes it is.

A 52 pairs rather nicely with a pair of 135s in my case.


And the 82 is pretty good, too… :grin:


I always thought that I’d get 135s one day, once I had the sources and 52 required. When ‘one day’ came, it was easy to discard a non-DR 300 as an option - but when I hear a 300DR and saw what you now have to pay for freshly-serviced 135s, I changed my mind.

Other ears, rooms and systems…


I still think that… Would need an extra Isoblue shelf. Which is do-able.
But… what would I do with my 1985 250… :cry:

Same problem, with a NAP300…

My olive 250 is on its way to Tasmania, with my old 82 and Hicap (plus ND5XS2 and Core with hundreds of ripped CDs and a pair of Neat Xplorers). It is hard to let go…

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:rofl:. Luckily I can enjoy both.

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I confess that even my stack of glorious Olives has a few infiltrators from the Dark Side :grinning:


Surely it wouldn’t be too painful to trade in a 250 for a lovely pair of 135s?

It’s surprising what mono configuration, improved earthing and a few extra WPC can do. But it really is so much better. That said, I haven’t had a comparative listening session with the amps since I bought them from Grahams over 30 years ago.

And, no, I’m not talking about women in uniform, so please don’t misunderstand the WPC reference.

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My Olives are outnumbered 3 to 4 but the core of the system, the amps, are :olive:


But… but… but… its MY 250…!!!

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I understand that, Ian, but just think: you could have TWO even more lovely 135s!

Seriously, the difference between the two (very similar on paper) amps is huge.

If ever you’re in Brighton, bring along some favourite LPs or CDs and come and have a listen.

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A classic 250 (non DR) is probably worth £12/£1300 where a decent set of serviced 135’s could be closer to £3k so a decent difference I think.

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The Supercap Olive and DR have a 500va transformer, with 3 secondary windings, one of which is dedicated to the control circuits. The Hicap Olive and DR also have a 500va transformer, but with 2 secondary windings.

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Probably beyond my reach then. I would need to find a pair of scraty, un-serviced ones… :crazy_face:

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Packing up the boys to send to Salisbury for overhaul. All these boxes were replaced by a single borrowed Simaudio Moon Ace (that also has a riaa stage I do not need).


Just make sure you package as best you can.
My olive 250 returned from a trip to Salisbury damaged. The box had been dropped on one corner denting a corner of what was, a mint late olive 250. The polystyrene inners were destroyed. I hate to think what Mr Courier did.
The funny ( well not funny) bit was naim suggested my dealer resleeve using a sleeve from a pre amp of the era. Clearly it did not fit. Not sure who i was more disappointed with, dealer or naim. Not least as I asked " are you sure" before i boxed the 250 and humped it back to the dealer.
Irritated did not describe the experience. Wish I’d sent it to class A, as non of my gear has ever been damaged.


All my Naim kit is serviced by Class A. And I am the Courier…!!


Feel the same way about moving kit about, (when it’s necessary) :+1:


p.s. @Thegreatroberto Sorry to read your “irritated” story. I would be beside myself.