Naim Olive

Exactly :+1:

RR, I am facing a similar dilema nowadays, should I get a Supercap first for the 82 to replace my Olive HC (’22 serviced), or should I swap the SN for an Olive 250. There is also a third option, change my DAC V1 for a nDAC.

The list in my head is the following one, with the top item being the one bringing the most improvement (IMO) to my kit, V1/82/HC/SN2:

  1. SN2 power Amp → NAP250
  2. DAC V1 → nDAC
  3. Olive HC → Olive SC

I would have thought getting an nDAC with a 555PS or XPSDR would be the best improvement rather than a lone nDAC.

Then 250. It doesn’t have to be all Olive either.

Then Supercap. I have Supercap 2.

Moving away from Supernait first and getting the 250 makes sense with dedicated power amp.


My humble opinion You have to be careful with immediate comparisons.
Originally, the design of the Hicap DR or Scap DR produced a better 24v than the non DR, and all the devices benefited from this. Generation Olive or Black a synergy is gradually established, the quality of the 24v is preferable to more regulations. It’s useful to spend enough time with each different device, as this helps to confirm the conclusion.

Trading your Supernait 2 for a 250 is a no brainer, as not only will it improve sound quality, but you should make money on it at current used prices. Just be sure to check the amp service history as this is particularly important on an older 250.


Thinking about this further, sell the Supernait and get a 250 and see how that sounds. You don’t need to do the upgrades in one hit. You should make money on it and then you can decide if you want to go for an nDAC.

I would leave Supercap if you ever do it until last. It might not be necessary. You may be happy with 250 and say it’s done.

Get the 250.serviced by Darran at Class A. If it hasn’t been serviced get him do it. Only £300 I believe and then it’s done for 10 years.

Olive 250, CB 250 or 250.2. Or get 250DR which probably won’t need servicing until it’s 10 years old. Naim say new black boxes that is Original Classic every 15 years, but a 250 would ideally be done every 10. Speak to Darran when you get your 250. Other than Naim, he is only authorised agent to service Naim stuff in UK. He is quicker and cheaper. He did 3 boxes for me in a day after pre booking a few weeks in advance.

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Appreciate your comments Dan and Chris!

The 250 is first on my list as well, there are currently a couple of preloved Olive 250s available, both serviced recently. I am looking at Olive in particular as it looks so gorgeus, and it will be part of an olive system, so synergy will be maintained as far as generations are concerned, although now I have Classic + Olive and it sounds awesome already.

The Olive 250 is one of the highly regarded out of all iterations along with 250DR (excluding the NC for now as it is out of my budget) and at current prices it looks very tempting, the only concern being, which I read about in reviews and people’s opinions, is that it is noisy, my SN2 is absolutely silent, so this is one of my fears. But eventually will pull the trigger most probably.


You may get a bit of transformer hum. But you might not. Depends on your mains supply quality and any interference from other appliances. But that’s another topic.

Agreed with all of that….in that it mirrors pretty much what I did with my Olive active SBL system (82/SNAXO-SC/2x250/SBL).

The only option is, I would suggest is:

  1. Olive HC → 2 x Olive HC.

I have posted frequently here that for me with the system noted above, 1xHC → 2xHC was a significant uplift, but 2xHC->SC was less so. My argument being that moving from two power rails (I.e. 1xHC) to four power rails (I.e. 2xHC) is more significant than possibly slightly “better” regulators in the four power rails SC over 2xHC - I have read on other forums that there is no difference in the quality levels of regulators in the HC vs SC. (There are other issues which are more of a deep dive electronics nature……)

Having said all that, I run a SC on my 82 (one less box, hence one less power switch …. :laughing:), and I needed the two HC for other duties.

Naturally, other opinions are available………


I had 2 hicaps on 82 and must admit it was very good. For me Supercap was better still.

But with OPs system at this point I would focus on a 250 and a better source.


Thanks suzywong, I have read your previous posts with regards to the topic, ever since I purchased the 82/hc (and even before that) I have been following all threads and topics related to this particular electronics. So yes, 2 HC is also to be considered and yes it is the most cost effective out of the three, which is a bonus.

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IIRC (tricky at my age) I had bought the SC for my 102 - at that time, I needed another PSU anyway for a Headline, and I had aspirations towards the mighty 52…… :grin:

But when I got the 82, I spent a Happy Sunday trying the 82 with Flatcap, 1xHC, 2xHC and SC, which gave me the following order (each being a comparison with the previous):

  1. FC - OK and it sounds good
  2. 1xHC - better
  3. 2xHC - WOW!
  4. SC - slightly better

But what the heck! For sure, it did demonstrate to me that the “hierarchy” of PSUs does indeed work.

And Hawkwind sounds good on all of them :laughing:


Does anybody know the transient of the NAP 135s.

For instance the specification for NAP 500DR states 700VA

Hi @khan84

Low Res scan from an old naim brochure of mine - this page shows the transient for 135s as 500VA.

Click the image to enlarge.


How’s the new 500DR compared to your old 135’s?

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Still not run the power amp in yet. I had to tear down the system to correct some cable issues. While I sorted the rack I put the 135s back in just for shits n giggles. It was glorious as ever. It also afforded me the time to get a handle of the sound signature difference. The 135s are more forgiving. They have an addictive drive to them. It’s like they are only interested in the rhythm of the track. The spotlight is definitely on that midrange. And here they execute fun better than anything.

The 500Dr has shown me moments of magic but I’m certain I haven’t given it enough time yet. It has far more atmospheric detail. The bass is more extended although here I still feel the 135s are providing more drive. This is the main reason why I’m certain the 500dr is still not settled in. When I asked the previous owner he stated he NEVER left it switched on after listening sessions. I have a feeling the amplifier hasn’t even burnt in yet.

I should actually copy this into my thread. lol


It sounds like you’re not ready to give up the 135s. I have a pair with my 52 and they are wonderful. Warmer sounding than a 552DR and 500DR system, which is a different beast. The latter has more power and control, more detail and more of everything.

But 52 and 135s are classic Olive and offer a different vibe. Perhaps a little more laid back. With a good source they are really really good.

If I could have a 552DR and 500DR system I would go for that. But part of me would want to keep the 52 and 135s.

Could you use the 135s in a second system at all? Maybe get a 52 or 82 Supercap and use with one source? Until recently I ran them with an 82 which is a good option with 2nd system.

I have had my 135s for 4 years now and got them serviced as soon as I bought them. Now isn’t a great time to sell 135s. You might get £2k for them.

Worth considering keeping them if you can. And if 500DR isn’t for you then it gives options.


Hey Dan,

I would love to keep them but I need to recoup some of my money spent on the 500DR. I would certainly expect more than 2k for them. I spent more than 3k on them.

yes, the NAP 135s are brilliant. I don’t have a bad thing to say about them as they are easy to set up and just give a gutsy, exciting presentation.

On the matter of a second system. I was thinking about setting up a tube system with a valve pre that I have. Only problem is I actually don’t have space for a second system atm.

I wish I had more rooms though. I wouldn’t stop buying audio gear :grin:


The market for used Naim has gone down a touch in price. If you sell them on ebay they take 10%. There are some 135s on for about £3k but they are not shifting. There is also a set for £1800. I bought mine for about £2000.

I saw 300 non DR 2 go for £2500 the other day. See what happens.