Naim Olive

90/92 doing it’s thing


I liked the 3R the best because it doesn’t try to do many things. It is solely based on a jump factor and not much attention paid to anything else. ( yet does not sound completely fake to my ears ) I thought it held the music together the best with excellent midbass grip.

Also I like the fact that you can add an external power supply which it extends its capability even more. ( I used mine with a HC then Supercap later on )
Then when a 52 showed up, I used it as a power amp. ( that was not a very good idea ) :roll_eyes:

I see why many don’t like this amp because its lack of natural delicate note decays.

Incidentally, I also liked the Nait 1 over 2 or 3.


3 and 3R sounded very different. (Oddly, the former was more in keeping with the 5 series amps )


Interesting. I thought the only difference was the remote. My first Naim system was CD 3.5 / Nait 3 and I really enjoyed it. I see 2nd hand 3r’s from time to time, Nait 3s are more rare it seems.


Nice picture, and thanks for the reminder to make sure my tweeters weren’t sagging and touching the bass/mid driver cabinet!

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@anon23139555 A 72 with a remote is my idea of a dream amplifier! How did they manage to do that? And, assuming either a modification or an additional component or connection is involved, did it have any adverse effect on SQ?

Corry, it involves 3rd party cards, a modification - but discussion of this falls outside of forum AUP so japtimscarlet will not be able to talk about it here. A google search will tell you all you need to know if you’re curious.


Thanks, Richard. My curiosity is now piqued!

A beauty of a 72 is in its simplicity. Very difficult to implement a good quiet remote mechanism. ( this is probably why Naim omitted it )


It is still on my list to create an external remote control using Lego.


Snap! Well, nearly anyway…


mine with tidyish cable dressing


My recently refurbished cds2 and the still working Flash remote. (Does the Flash count as Olive?) I think at one point it was sold with the cds2, although I got mine separately.


Love the Flash but I cannot use mine anymore. Developed problem where if u hit the volume up button it wouldn’t stop and the volume would skyrocket up which if u don’t act quickly u could destroy the speakers.
I wish I knew how to fix this. I think it may need a new computer chip which Naim can no longer supply. I’m using the standard remote which is fine but the Flash is just so cool (and heavy).
If anyone could suggest a flash fix I’d love to be able to use it again.

I think once they die, that’s it. Sorry. However, they do appear from time to time on the auction site, which is where I got mine from. It is a thing of beauty and I hope you get a replacement.

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The Flash arrived with the Olive CDS2, and it does have a top fascia panel that matches with the Olive kit, so yes I guess you could say the Flash is Olive.


I tried to get a new PIC chip for mine a couple of years back. At some point I had been doing beta work for the Flash programmer and trying out new functions etc… so swapping in and out chips all the time. But I forgot I still had a beta chip in the flash and there are some odd issues with it that make it frustrating to use. And then just recently one of the battery compartment contacts sheared off so I think it might be a gonner, sad to say.

Richard, when this first happened I took the Flash apart , cleaned off all the buttons thinking maybe the volume up button was physically getting stuck. But the same thing occurred- sudden rapid rise in volume knob on my 52. Scary.
Won’t risk speaker damage as much as I would love to use my Flash

IIRC, the Flash was included in the first generation CD555 before R-Com came. I still should have one somewhere…unused.