Naim Olive

And also with the early NAC552s…

ah… you know what that was it. A 552.

Now I remember. The early CD 555 came with a nice plastic one. ( which I still use it to date ) :slight_smile:

Olives from my archive - these were taken by Andy Cahill / Photoworks for a naim newsletter.


I assume the second photo shows an active setup? My guess would be CD3.5+FC. 92+FC, IXO, 90x2…

Often fancied a shot at that, and I would be able to complete the set with a NAT03 :grin:

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@suzywong The image was called the naimactiveroom before I renamed it for posting!

There is a graphic that goes with it - I will seek that out and post.

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Geoff, the rack looks familiar!

I hasten to add; the ‘PROJEKT’ rack certainly knew how the kill the spirit and funk of any component unfortunate enough to be placed upon it :joy:
Perhaps this is what inspired naim audio to invent the fraim?


And is that a Headline I see at the bottom. I’m impressed by the setup…all the lights are on and not a mains cable in sight! :grin: :grin: :grin:

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You do have very sharp eyes!

More likely, I can recognise too many olive boxes, coz I’ve got some just like em!

So all function and no funk!

Just found this olive headline picture that was also used in a newsletter.


@suzywong Here is a low resolution image of The Active Difference spread.

I will post a higher quality image when I can grab the original, rescan it and time allows.


@Debs what was under the ‘cats design’ cover - another turntable? Is that a CDi? A music buddy of mine has my old CDi, and it was still sounding great when I last visited him before Christmas 2019.

I see a ‘masterplug’ - I used one of those for many years too.

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@suzywong It was a set built in Andys studio so hiding the cables was easy! The floor was hand painted and slotted together - I think we moved a few ‘planks’ around for an even coverage. Initially I wasn’t keen on having the candle, but I changed my mind when it was lit, as it helped break up the wall area and improve the colour warmth and lighting.

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It’s an earlier incarnation of my LP12.
And yes a CDI player, all the olive components in the picture i still own, hicap, NAP180, 72. The other boxes are hicap2 (for prefix PS), an Armageddon2 (traded-in), and on the middle shelf of the target stand is a Nakamichi ‘Cassette Deck One’ which still works fine.

My CDI sadly passed away a few years ago but continues to lie in state within its original naim audio cardboard sarcophagus buried deep in the hidden depths of the spare bedroom. The cats and i continue to worship Osiris in hope of an afterlife :heart_eyes_cat:


@Debs I agree with your comments, thank you for the information. Maybe I should get a cat to distract me from posting here too often.

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CDX promo picture taken by Andy Cahill / Photoworks


@suzywong Here is the Active Systems Connections graphic - I created this image from a PDF I have of the newsletter. An NAT03 was shown as an additional source to the CD3.5, though in my view, showing a 7 box system would have been fine!

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The Olive headline was a cute little box. Some very nice pictures here.


Higher Resolution version of The Active Difference spread, image from the Naim News 1998 PDF.


My first foray into the Olive series for about 15 years, wanted to simplify my setup to a 72 and 140 with a Klimax DS Renew and SBLs…loving it!
Next up will be a hicap and headline :slightly_smiling_face: