Naim owners Artwork

No offence taken, I was bantering myself.

Obviously my post wasn’t as humourous as I thought it was. :grin::grin:

They are slightly differing photos, look at the small skiff in the centre , the sails are different.

It’s a nice picture, prefer the version you bought


I have just finished this and am currently working on another project which will be free standing. This was made from Corton Steel.


I have - entirely accidentally - been “collecting” lizards for years.

I bought one from a Mexican sculptor/woodcarver in the States, mainly because it was the smallest and the only one of his works I could afford. Then I bought a ceramic one years ago because I liked it.

A friend saw two lizards, and decided that I obviously liked them and bought me another as a present. From this it has snowballed into a mass of them, each of which I stuck in a box, because I did not collect lizards. But I suppose, because I had already several, I sort of did start to collect them. By accident.

Then, recently I added yet another lizard-y gift to the bulging box of lizards/geckoes and their ilk, and broke it, and another, in the process.

Something had to be done. So, I repaired both with superglue and formulated a plan.

Here it is, on the wall…

33 (although I think one is a froggy interloper)
The age that Jesus died. Coincidence?


That little green one in the left looks more like a stumpy crocodile. I especially like the one from

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Yes the green one is solid malachite and may well be a crocodile (same vague family animal-wise I guess).

The Casino-tin one I remember buying from a child, who had made it, in Antananarivo, Madagascar.
I may have paid (chosen to pay) more than for many of the others, but it could well have been the greatest value.

Several have a similar story.

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I like the arrangement of your pieces. Reminds me of this.

M C Escher - Lizards


We have this colourful beast…anxious carrying it back from Barcelona, but made it unscathed.

And this little charmer bought from an English cathedral (I forget which one), doing tealight duty at the moment.

And…him…lurking about

Taos Pueblo drum, getting on a bit but still sounds great:



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My wife loves lizards. Got em all over the flat, and in our garden. She even got a tattoo…

Me, I’m more a toad and spider person :slightly_smiling_face:

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I painted these recently. The aim is to hang them progressively in sequence up our staircase onto the landing which has a very high ceiling.




But I look more like a spider!
Without the bum.

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Does the Roger Waters The Wall Super Deluxe Edition signed boxsets with painted cover taken from a large mural count as art? My copy is 1185 of 1500.


Photography was a lot simpler then - but great results were still obtained.

So many Victorian pictures just have a great ‘feel’ to them - which modern pictures often lack.

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Stevie as you like frogs here is mine a wood carving



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We have them all over the house, they come and go as they please… mostly Anolis, but sometimes Mabouya.



Absolutely no idea about its origin
I found him in a road gutter of all places about 40 years ago.Walking down a street.
How it ended up there I will never know.
One of those things you pick up on lifes journey and get pleasure from seeing


I love the colours in this