Shhh. Don’t spoil it
There’s no such device called the Wiim Nano
[quote="Jarooo, post:61, topic:38869”]
I don’t think that a serious company operating on the technology market can rely on free software available to everyone.
And yet, the biggest technology companies in the world do exactly that!
As it is, they are still supporting a product which was first intoduced 14 years ago now, and was replaced in the lineup nearly 6 years ago. That Naim is still supporting that product demonstates the STRENGTH of its commitment to “old” customers.
Not many HiFi companies are supporting products at no cost to the customer after so long - my own UnitiQute is even older and I’m happy to wait for the update.
But they haven’t left customers without support. As they have repeatedly said, they are working on offering their new radio service to older generations but that it is tricky. Touch wood all sorted on 14 Feb.
Whether or not there are contracts (and I suspect there are), there is not much one can do if the supplier pulls the plug.
Exactly !!!
Yes, no matter how watertight a contract might be, and no matter what compensation you might be entitled to claim In the event of creating the returns of the contract, you cannot actually stop the supplier breaking the contract and ceasing to supply.
This is a bit of a car crash of a thread!
The OP simply hadn’t read the sticky post about mu-so.
Thread closed - surely?
Why close the thread when we’re having so much fun going off at tangents?
Why not, you’ve frightened the OP away.
What is going on here, guys?
Even if the first post was a bit emotional, this is not a warm welcome for someone’s first post.
We should stick to that:
„ This is the first time Flyingcarpet has posted — let’s welcome them to our community!“
Richard’s answer was really good - „welcome and please refer to the following post“
This thread has crashed - no showcase for the naim community.
As a new member, the OP may not know about the sticky posts.
Being new to a Forum, there is a lot to take in as they are all subtlety different from each other.
Let’s cut him some slack, and provide guidance.
The tone of the opening post and thread title don’t lend themselves to a warm and fuzzy response - unless you have a similar Naim-bashing agenda in which case I guess a kindred spirit might be welcomed…
Naim bashing or not, the OP probably won’t be back now anyway.
We can all move onto other topics now, which should make some members happy.
They were on 45 minutes ago.
That’s good, we haven’t lost them.
Yeah. I couldn’t help wondering how some people treat house guests from the responses.
You think that how people interact with complete strangers on the internet while pointlessly bickering about hifi correlates with how they treat their friends in their own homes? Righto
Don’t get me wrong - I generally think that posts should be guided by the principles:
- Is it correct?
- Is it necessary?
- is it kind?
If we followed that, 99% of posts would be eliminated under principle 2. Including this one.