Naim Stageline S

Hi, I have recently purchased a Linn LP 12 tt with Ekos arm and Dynavector 10x5 mk2 low output cartridge. This is partnered with the Stageline S fed from a Supernait 3 and Linn Ninka speakers. I like to listen to my albums quite loud, Dire Straits, ELO etc. and I find the system is absolutely great. BUT, in between tracks I hear a lot of surface noise, which I find distracting, but I can’t hear it once the track re starts. I find it on new and older albums and I use a Milty antistatic gun and clean the records before playing. It is really because the volume is well turned up, but I wondered if I could reduce the surface noise, or even better, eliminate it all together. Would a Superline help at all? The dynamics of my system I’m totally happy with, it’s just this surface noise that is bugging me. your experience and help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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How do you clean your LPs?

Shibata profile? Always tend to pick up more from the gaps between tracks possibly?

Better record cleaning would be my suggestion - have you tried a Humminguru/Degritter etc?

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I use VinylClear spray which says is used at Abbey Road Studios and Carbon brush then leave to dry for 10 minutes. I also use a Zerostat. Do you think it’s just better cleaning that’s required?

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Yes, I do. Although it won’t miraculously make noisy vinyl silent a proper RCM should make a big difference on most LPs. On the best LPs there should be no or minimal groove noise between tracks.


Thanks very much for your suggestions. I’ll be chuffed if that’s all that’s needed. I’ll look into better cleaning methods. Thank you so much. I was afraid I might have had to upgrade the Stageline. Thanks.

To your original question, the Stageline S is a pretty good match for your 10X2 low output and is well matched to your existing system. A Superline probably won’t make any difference to the surface noise and would be overkill unless you anticipate some pretty significant upgrades in the future.


Thanks so much for your reply, I only mentioned the Superline as I was under the impression it had a lower noise floor and that might have improved the surface noise issue I am experiencing. I’m currently looking at record cleaning machines as has been suggested by Richard and oscpercy. Thank you all.

A much cheaper option to at least consider in the interim to a full blown RCM is the Audio Technica AT6012 pad (‘Sonic Broom’, lol) and fluid…I use it with a lot of my old records and it is pretty darn good (in fact, for the cost/simplicity, I think it’s superb).

PS I didn’t find carbon brushes much use for surface noise, pops etc. Static, hmm…maybe, but a Zerostat was better.

I don’t think you need to stick with the AT fluid btw - any decent will do I’d have thought. Pic from AT.


Hi. The Project machines are great value and work very well. Just a bit noisy.

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I previously used an Okki Nokki RCM. This not only completely removed the static, but also made it dead quiet between tracks.


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I don’t think you need a phono stage that is quieter than your Stageline - the noises you are hearing are really on the vinyl, even if we wish they weren’t. The Stageline, like the internal Prefix, is very capable.

How many LPs do you have? If it is as yet a small collection, you might be better off using an RCM of a mate, someone on here or a local Hi-if dealer. If you have hundreds and play them often, an RCM will be the right answer (unless the vinyl itself is knackered)

Yes, I use a Project RCM (replaced an old Nitty Gritty) and it works really well. Just be sure to use the best quality distilled water (available online) and work the fluid into the grooves with the brush as the machine turns making a good lather, then vacuum it all off thoroughly until the LP is completely dry. Clean twice per side is usually best, paying particular attention to the lead in and lead out areas which tend to be dirtiest and noisest.

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Toby, Is the the DV 10x5 Mk 2 LO the right cartridge for the Stageline S? Put another way, it takes two to tango yet the Stageline S seems to be being questioned.


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The Low Output version of the 10X5 (0.5mV) should be just fine with the Stageline S.

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It was recommended and fitted by the dealer I bought all of my equipment from, apart from my Ninkas, thanks Chris

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I’m going down the rcm route, as suggested by most of you, as it appears my Stageline S isn’t the problem, rather than static and good records not being as clean as I thought they were. It’s strange actually, because some of my old 80’s ELO and DIRE STRAITS are quieter recordings than many of the new albums I’ve recently bought. I have 2 Dire Straits MOFI recordings and an ELO Eldorado on Super Vinyl and they aren’t particularly quiet compared to older recordings I have. I actually watched Andrew Holmes videos on YouTube and he has a superb Linn/ Naim system with Kudos Titan 808s and he uses the bath system knosti anti stat which he says cleans well, he also said a lot of his brand new recordings are dirtier out of the sleeve than his older albums. Thank you so much to you all for your advice, I greatly appreciate your experience. I’m not a newbie by any means, but I guess as you upgrade your systems and everything is improved, you hear a lot more detail, good and bad. Thanks again to you all. This is a great forum and kind suggestions. :pray::pray::pray:

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I ran a 10X5 with Stageline S powered from a NAC552 with good success and the ‘S’ version was specifically recommended by Peter @Cymbiosis , so nothing wrong with your combo Toby. If memory serves I’d say there was perhaps a tad more sensitivity to surface noise and scratches than I get now with a DV TeKaitora Rua and Linn Urika, but not dramatically so. A lot of records are just noisy, even(especially?) new records.

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Static is not a problem, on its own. It doesn’t cause noise.
Its the muck that static can/does attract which does that… :neutral_face:

I think your disxcovery that ‘new’ records may be noisy, is something others have found.

I have no idea… As I have not bought a real ‘new’ record since… maybe 1990…?
(All my recent LP purchases, which is not many, have been used, from Discogs.)