Naim Stageline S

Yes the low output version of the 10X5 II works great with the Stagelne S :+1:

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Yes from a 552 as you get the full 24V from the 552 240 degree 5 pin output. This worked very well and I preferred the Stageline S to the N in this specific combination, although a Supercap would have been better, but thatā€™s overkill I think :grinning: But now we have the new low output version now along side the high output - I prefer the low output version overall now.
Anyone trading in a worn out or broken high output version 10X5II can get the same allowance with either high or low output replacements FYI. KR, Peter


Funnily enough, KJC, it was Peter at Cymbiosis who built my LP12 and fitted the 10x5 low output cartridge with his recommendation, so naturally I left it to his discretion, and I bought the Supernait3, And Stageline S from him as well. The system sounds terrific apart from the surface noise. I

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Thatā€™s good to hear :+1:
Iā€™d missed that you had the low output version. Mine was the higher output, so not directly comparable, but if the high output worked with an ā€˜Sā€™ then yours should surely be fine and not the source of the noise issue.
Like @IanRobertM Iā€™ve pretty much given up on new issues unless they are clearly well done like Tone Poets, Craft, DG OS etc.
Discogs or Charity Shops is where I go for ā€˜newā€™ vinyl.

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One other thing to consider is that if you have been using any sort of cleaning, anti static or lubricating fluid on your records and have played an LP with the fluid still present then that can make the LP grooves much noisier when played again dry. Years ago there was a bit of a fad for playing LPs slightly wet. It seemed to greatly reduce noise (although what it did for the cartridge, heaven alone knows!). The problem was that if then played the same LP dry it would be really noisy, so always had to be played wet thereafter. Not a great idea reallyā€¦


I am late to the party ! I have a 10x5 mk2 on my Pink Triangle and it works great with a Stageline S (and Arcam Rphono) and also the MM input on a SN3 or Nait 50. I notice no difference in surface noise between all these variations and not a great deal of surface noise in all these variations so I concur your Stageline is very unlikely to be the cause. I clean my records with a Nessie Vinyl cleaner and that certainly helps. The Nessie cleaning solution is also very good. What is amazing is how much dirt and residue there is in new records. Always clean new records is my suggestion.

Thanks for that Richard, thatā€™s good thinking actually, and could be my issue. I shall correct that asap. Much appreciated. :pray::pray:

HhBruno, I saw exactly that about new vinyl, and Iā€™ve now ordered a Discostat bath and deionised water and Lā€™art du son cleaning fluid. So Iā€™ll do my albums and try again. Thanks for the advice. Greatly appreciated.

Be sure to only use the very best distilled water (I use APC Pure available online) as I found it leaves vinyl much quieter than just using fluids diluted with deionised water.

Distilled and deionised are different too. I think distilled should be better for vinyl cleaning, but itā€™s not as easy as youā€™d think to find it. Worth checking the description carefully before you buy

Thanks Richard, Iā€™ll try to find some of that. Iā€™ve just cleaned an album with isopropyl alcohol 99.9% and the first album Iā€™ve tried is better already. Thank you so much for your help. Iā€™ll get back to enjoying my albums again. :pray::pray::pray:

Thanks gthack, itā€™s a bloody minefield isnā€™t it? I think Richard has pointed me in the right direction as I was putting a drop of anti static fluid on the record now and again. I shalnā€™t be doing that again. Thank you so much for all your help and advice, you donā€™t know how relieved I am not to be having to change my Stageline to a super line. Cleaned records is much more cost effective. Thank you all.

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Or getting a Superline and finding you still have the same problemā€¦ :open_mouth:

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ā€¦with a SuperCap :wink:

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I bought a water still from Amazon for ā‚¬100 with fan coolined condenser and only glass contact for the condensate. Its done very well for my cleaning water for the last three years but you canā€™t buy them in the UK it seems, presumably because of customs and excise, but rather strangely you can order a mooshine still in all stainless or all copper or a mix of the two through Amazon UK. Whether youā€™d get to keep it is another matter.

Well , IanRobert youā€™re spot on. Thatā€™s exactly what would have happened. Phew! Ā£3k saved. I can buy some more albums now.


Plus however you would power the SuperIineā€¦ :neutral_face:

XS3 has a powered aux, so could have used that. Or bought a SuperCap :slight_smile:

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Well folks, I have just spent 2 hours cleaning some of my albums with Isopropyl Alcohol and played some after Iā€™d cleaned them and I canā€™t believe the crud that came out of the grooves onto my stylus. Big lumps of gooey fluff. I had to clean it 3 times on 4 albums. Wow, Iā€™m flabbergasted! I always considered my albums to be pretty clean, but theyā€™re spotless now. The surface noise is a lot quieter as well. Richard, you were spot on about the wetting fluid whilst playing, guilty as charged sir. I have ordered some APC distilled water and look forward to the baths coming this week to give them a better clean. Iā€™m a happy chappie now thanks to you all on this forum. :pray::pray::pray:


Thatā€™s great news Toby. However, another warning here - try not to use Isoproyl alcohol unless highly diluted with distilled water (at most, 1 part Isoprop to 5 parts water) as it can break down the plasticisers in the vinyl.