Naim Turntable?

Thinking it might be time to upgrade to a ‘2’!

In what way @elverdiblanco?

With good tape and a decent deck you can get great sound. Plus, cassettes are really good fun!

I know. But they did and do market it this way, and it has become a turntable icon for a different (and IMO arguably much larger) demographic than the LP12 or a not really existing Naim TT. Hence, their business case of re-entering the TT market is not really comparable to Naim, and I understand this thread to be about the business case. That’s even before considering that this is all peanuts for Panasonic and no problem for them if it fails

Perhaps you could do a different poll asking who would sell their LP12 and buy a Naim TT if it was available? Not sure how many takers considering the considerable love for LP 12 on forum

Or even any existing turntable, the Roksan owners here aren’t as numerous as the Linn owners, but we need love too. :grinning::grinning:


I use an SL1200 with a Rega arm (Goldring 1042 cartridge) and I love a good Direct drive TT. From an engineering perspective it seem to me to be a more logical solution to rotate a platter (especially with a closed loop control feedback). If I were designing one from scratch it’s the way to go. Could probably use a Raspberry pi as the central controller no doubt :thinking:

Hi Kimbleman, in a word its magnificent. IMO. And a very sweet-spot product. I did briefly listen to its higher up brother, which was better but diminishing returns in our (fully serviced) olive system. Its smooth, tight and non fatiguing. After some moaning about the wifi and App for a while everythings settled now and almost zero issues on this front

Good luck

Cheers buddy. I find the older version similarly good but the lack of Qubuz annoying. I’ve heard the main board is a completely new design too (Mr. Dane could you confirm that?) with better future proofing. Agree on law of diminishing returns. For most of us a SN2 (or 3 these days) with a ND5XS(2?) and a decent pair of speakers in the region of a couple of grand is probably all that’s needed…oh and a Naim TT Lol :joy: :+1:

Sound quality is poor compared to vinyl, CD and other digital formats.
Tape hiss.
Tapes getting tangled up.
Magnetic coating on tapes wearing out sooner or later taking the sound with it.
The mind-numbing tediousness of FF and REW.
Making a mix tape only for the tape to run out before the track finishes and all in real-time.
and no doubt more if I really think about it

Safe to say I don’t miss them at all.

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The ND5XS2 is all new with the latest Naim NP800 streaming board.

As an aside, this is quite some thread drift from the original post about the possibility of a Naim turntable. Possibly it’s better as a new thread in the Streaming Room?

Actually several. Mostly for use in museums as a way of allowing playback of very expensive discs without touching them.

But sound quality is fairly bad by anyone’s standard. The problem: the grooves actually hold a lot of information that has no direct line of sight to a laser.

I seem to recall that when the LP12 first burst forth as the TT to have, Technics SL1200 had been the rave of the hifi press. Then a reporter went and spent a full weekend in Scotland lisyening to tge LP12, and suddenly had an epiphany moment, seeing the light, realising what up to then had been inaudible or incorrectly audible, and so the revolution took off. Having a TT very similar in design to the LP12 at the time, and never having heard an SL1200 or any other DD TT I have no personal view.

Yes Richard. Agreed it has drifted off a bit from the do we or don’t we want a Naim Turntable.

Just thinking aloud this forum is a pretty good sounding board for Naim to capture product wish lists from the end users. Certainly the company I work for (Siemens Healthcare) are pretty much in constant communication with Health professionals to find where our product lines (mainly CT and MR scanners) can be improved. I guess commercially the Naim board want to keep their cards reasonably close to their chests in terms of new products but with a forum of several thousand Naim devotees (and therefore very likely future customers) it’s not a bad place to start asking questions.

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Err good point

You’d think eh Martin.

Hi Gordon,

As has already been said in a post here, Technics (Panasonic) has rather deeper pockets than Naim or Linn.

They also have worldwide reach which the UK companies can only dream about. I would guess that Europe is not the main market they are looking to for turntable sales.

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Perhaps a turntable where the platter floats in a bed of mercury. Of course, you would need a system where air is drawn away from the bed and any mercury vapour scrubbed from that air, to keep the Elf and Safety wonks happy.

A path very well served by Rega, who offer a good range of products. It would be hard for someone to replicate this.

If you’ve ever seen the effects of mercury poisoning (and Mercury is a highly toxic metal), you’d be grateful for those ‘Elf and Safety wonks’…