Naim Uniti Nova PE edition

I agree about switched mode power supplies. There are many excellent implementations out there. If nothing else, they make the components lighter and much easier to move around for aging audiophiles.


And that’s the nub of it — IIRC, Steve S, during one of his webchats (or somesuch) mentioned the developing technologies around Class D and that there are pros and cons. With class D a massive benefit is product packaging (e.g. the Nova PE delivering 150wpc from a smallish box), a not-so-good aspect being it probably won’t sound like the traditional AB kit (one assumes?).

If you want to have the best sound, you don’t use class D, it’s not more difficult than that :man_shrugging:

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Naim started working on Class D long before the Mu-So. I remember seeing and even hearing all sorts of rather serious looking Class D amps being worked on in R&D. None made it to production but it was no doubt useful experience for Naim’s first Class D amps which found their way into the the n-Vi and then into the first Naim for Bentley amplifier. Only Class D could offer the required efficiency and power in such a small package. Remember the Naim for Bentley amplifier was over 1000 watts from an amp no bigger than a hardback novel.


Here we go again :smiley:


Hahaha. Poke the bear why don’t you. :rofl:


In your obviously so humble opinion.


Hmm, Tidal have a £30k class D ampand Mola Mola have a£7k mono class D amp as well as a £10k integrated. All well reviewed and I bet they sound great.

Oops, apparently the truth can really stir up feelings. Strange :man_shrugging:

But what truth?


See above.

Suggest mate you play a record and have some coffee, works for me :wink:

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It’s not me who gets provoked by simple facts, so no worries :wink:

I was down the YouTube rabbit hole last night and stumbled on a John Darko ‘podcast’ where he tackled the A, A/B, Class D - and the PE specifically. Not sure if it’s been posted further up in this thread or in the other one, but it’s on youtube if anyone’s interested…


What is strange is you seemingly mixing up “Truth” with your opinions.


No danger of that Ryder, Facts are facts regardless of what one thinks of them. But you can let it go now, time to move on I think.

AFAIK hitherto class A has given the best sound, not class AB or other classes including D.

However something always essential to factor in, at least for the vast majority of people, is cost. Also very relevant, for probably the majority of people, is practicality - size, weight, reliability, and possibly heat generated - and for at least a proportion of people and possibly increasing, energy consumption. These considerations may be the reason why these days class A is rare and the majority of amps class AB.

in practice, comparisons are only valid at the same price point. And of course knowledge, technology, and design skills develop and evolve so that what type of amplifier gives the best sound today is not necessarily the case tomorrow as it depends on the implementation. Class D might take over as the best sounding at any given price point - and how high a “level” of sound quality that might reach in due course we simply don’t know, but surely development is to be encouraged, and we shouldn’t be classist, nor resistance to change if that brings better sound that we can afford.

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Any chance you could provide a reference to the evidence supporting those facts?

I guess you’re not content with the fact that an overwhelming majority of manufactured, audophiles and others in the hi-fi collective realize that too, so no…

Yes but the sheer mountain of snake oil for sale tells us most audiophiles are morons.