Nait 3R - Incoming

That’s a shame, Ian. If you have a spare SNAIC4 then you could replace the flexi link plug to see if that’s the issue (DIN5 link plug re-inserted). Otherwise, good plan to get it serviced. A very nice amp that should give years of pleasure once serviced.

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As I said… I have put a HiCap into the 5 pin 270 deg input and all is fully functional - as a preamp…

I have buzzed out the Flexi Link and all seems good with that. Same with the 5 pin Link plug.

I just tested pretty much all the remote functions, with it running as a ‘92’ - and they are all good. As its it little remote.

Will try to hunt out a SNAIC 4… :snake:
(I do have several, somewhere safe…)

As you’ve buzzed out the flexi link and DIN5 link plug and they’ve checked out, then it does seem to point to an issue with the 24v rail from the power amp board so no need to try a SNAIC4.

It’ll be interesting to see what Darran finds.

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I agree… Probably a dead Cap.

Just fixed an Idiot Error. A set of 522N Phono Boards were ‘included’ - they were rattling, loose inside the case. I refitted them, but managed to miss align the Right hand channel board - which then didn’t work. Checked - found 1 pin not engaged. Fixed. Working in Stereo now… :thinking:

Its a very nice ‘NAC92’… :open_mouth:

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My partners Nait 3R, running as an NAC92 (powered by a Hicap, into my 250) - with the bonnet open -

NB. The 522 N Phono boards at top left, now look ‘right’. I couldn’t work out why one looked out of line before… :thinking:

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I love these naits. I’ve an original Nait 5 and the earthing schema is nicely visible in the layout.


Had a Nait 3 with Rega Ela’s back in the day along with an Arcam Alpha 5 CD player. Fantastic little amp which made you just keep listening. Enjoy.


Spoke with Darran, to arrange servicing. He also suggested trying a SNAIC4 between the 2 sections.
I did - and it powered up fully…!!

Clearly the Flexi link is u/s… :open_mouth:


Good news !


Not uncommon problem, which is probably why the Flexi link was dropped after the NAIT 5.


Thanks folks. My Nait 5 is a poweramp only at the moment and this workaround will be very helpful since I want to use it as an integrated again.

Sorry… not (yet) understanding this - about the Flexi Link…?

From TomTom’s site, I can see the Flexi Link listed - but as a Nait 5 part. Not for Nait 3…?

So the Flexi Link is wrong for a Nait 3 - and a SNAIC4 should be used, once its been split…?

Another way, that @Darran mentioned, was/is to ‘de-convert’ back to an internally connected Nait 3 (so to de-split it) . Any views on that…?

@Richard.Dane - the picture on TomTom shows a Flexi Link which seems to have 4 tracks - whereas the one I have only has 3 - and only 3 of the 4 pins are inter-connected, when measured with a meter.

Is this the problem…? The wrong type of Flexi Link…?

The Flexi Link was a NAIT 5 part. I don’t know for sure whether it can be used on the NAIT 3R with the pre/power split upgrade (I had assumed it could as yours had it). Probably one to ask Naim about. Or else @kuma might know as (IIRC) she has a split NAIT 3R.

Personally, I would keep it as is.

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As use a SNAIC4 to link it…? (I do have several around me, which are not in use… :snake: )

This definitely works - I have confirmed - and is what is mentioned should be done in the Naim Conversion instructions which came with it.

My guess re the one my partner has, is that the Seller has not been completely factual. If they had used in ‘spilt’, then it does work as it is.

Yes, a SNAIC 4 should certainly work fine.

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Thanks, @Richard.Dane - very useful and helpful info - as always…!

As it is currently, this Nait 3R seems to work as intended, if a SNAIC4 is used to link it (all its lights come on & the switches work and I know the pre works - power amp not yet tested).

Options seems to be:

  • use a SNAIC4 (*) to link it, as Naim originally intended
  • try using the Nait 5 Flexi Link that TomTom have, which seems to be 4 way
  • have it linked back up, internally, when its serviced (planned for early July at Class A)

Longer term, I am sure another SNAIC4 could be found for my partner… :snake:

(* I have a PREH style Black SNAIC4 in my ‘collection’. Longer term, I am sure another pre-loved SNAIC4 could be found for my partner.)

Just checked my ‘collection’ of Naim Cables (which live in my 250’s box…) and … i have found another SNAIC 4…! (and a Grey SNAIC 5 and all the original mains leads - pre my Grahams Hydra)

Ok, its a Grey one, but its got PREH DIN’s (so its ‘safe’).
Think it came with my ex-eBay NAP140… :thinking:

Yay… :snake: :crazy_face:

I have just checked the Flexi Link from this Nait 3R, again (by looking inside) - and can confirm there is a connection missing.

Its Pin 3 (as per DIN standards - see below) which is n/c. All the other pins are fine. Visually, the Link has only 3 visible tracks - not 4.

And - of course - its Pin 3 which carries the +24V DC supply, on Naim DIN 4 connection which do carry power, as shown on the back panel of Naim unit

NB (1) Not all Naim DIN 4 sockets carry power - such as those on most HiCap’s. But those on NAP’s below the 250 usually do, to power a PreAmp.

NB (2) - SNAIC leads can/do carry power and should not be modified in any way.

It should essentially function like a very short SNAIC4, allowing the power amp section to provide a single rail of 24V to the pre-amp action.