Nait 3R - Incoming

For completeness, here is the small and unassuming system that @IanRobertM helped me put together. I’ve included the instrument, as most others seem to have guitars, and couldn’t think of a better position for it.


I can’t tell what make that sax is. What is it?

I need to get my alto redone.

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From the first photo it looks like a Yanasikawa. Japanese maker


IanRobertM certainly new his onions when it came to Naim - the Nait 3 is a terrific amp and the first item of theirs that I ever listened too (circa 1999).

Although I never owned one during my first Naim journey (2006 = Cd5i/Nait 5i to 2016 = NDX/252/250), I acquired one in 2021 for a second system. That little amp has subsequently cost me a lot of money as I couldn’t resist dropping it into my main system which it made sound sterile in comparison.

So out went the Chord via Hegel and in came the NDX2/SN3 with the amp since being replaced by a 332/NC250. The Nait 3 is back in its box under the bed now awaiting the day for its starring role in my imagined second system. Great amp great fun.


It’s a Yanagisawa bari - beautiful bronze beast - now, if I could just get round to picking it up to practice …


Good call, well spotted


This is a nice thread, I had not seen it before; but I just read it from start to finish and it has made me smile a lot :upside_down_face: