Nait 50 and Rega P3 50

I have agreed to purchase that Nait 50 today - and jolly exciting it is too - I have been really enjoying it over the last week.
I am contemplating getting a mid tier turntable again to go with the Nait 50. The Rega 3 50 Anniversary edition has caught my eye - for obvious reasons - however I have yet to hear it with the Nait 50 - so interested in any comments or reviews from punters on this forum who own or have tried that combo…


Well the source first theory, which I don’t subscribe to, would say that the Nait 50 would deserve better. One dealer has sold several 50s with Vertere DGs but that is a very considerable price difference.

Obviously requires a demo, but you know that!

I am regretting not auditioning as a replacement for my 202/200.

Go for it! It would have been the TT matched with the original Nait. I would hurry up and order one before all the production slots are taken up by other orders. Rega has said they won’t make any more after they shut for Xmas.

Glad you’re enjoying it.

I’ve only connected a P2 to mine but the balance was better than my '89-spec LP12 with VM95ML stylus, hence I was looking at a P6. Might depend on the rest of your setup though.

Have you seen the recent P3 50th or P6 thread?


I have, there some references to Nait50 plus Rega P3 50 … but no details.

I know he’s got a SN3 but thought you might find this post interesting - not much of a surprise I guess:

While the P3-50 and P6 (which I think is more appropriate to the Nait-50) are undoubtedly superb decks, I don’t think I’d restrict myself to the usual Linn/Rega two horse race. Or in this case, the Rega solo race.

Simon, is there a specific reason you’ve got your heart set on a Rega? I know you had an LP12 before and then realised vinyl was behind you. Back to Naim and vinyl prompts the question, “What are you specifically after in this system and vinyl replay?

It was more about being in a partnership with its 50th anniversary along with the Nait50… that plays well to my sensibilities :grinning:

I have had TTs before and listened to many in some pretty impressive setups, and if I am honest I have mostly found them compromised but musically enjoyable… but my albums and 12” singles are there, although I have moved on many, with nothing to play them on. The most enjoyable TT I had at home in recent years was a friend’s 401 with B&O tone arm. I never totally gelled with my NA Spacedeck turntable. I have not owned or used a Linn LP12… only listened to them elsewhere.

I guess a balance close to the DAVE would be nice, but I realise I would have to spend serious top tier to get anything close to that… which I dont want to do.

… and boy DAVE sounds so mouth wateringly good on the NAIT50… I feel there are some similarities with a previous 252 SCDR with 250.2 NAP I had several years ago that I loved… albeit not quite as transparent and open but certainly as musical and better and punchier bass drive on my ATCs. They key thing, no matter what you play and how it’s mastered, if it is musical, it sounds musical. Alas I didn’t quite feel that with my 552… if the production was good, it was very very good, if the production was poor it could sound horrid.(for me……)

So hopefully my ramblings give you a feel of what I am after?


It’s about the emotional interconnect with your audio equipment .

The Nait 50 is a lovely bit of kit , I am very happy with mine and it has helped me with my target of box count reduction (My two box Graham Slee is gently resting)

I would perhaps think about a Rega 6 or even a Michell Tecnodec and think that both firms were around when Naim and we were young

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I think the point here Simon as blindingly good as my CDS3 or your DAVE is there’s no measure that will provide any form of evidence that says that a particular TT is equivalent, in effect any vinyl will always have a different presentation. On the old forum there was once a chap who had a CD555 but said that a Rega P1 did things in a way the 555 could not.

If I were you I would take a punt with a P6 with a moving magnet and run with it for a medium term period through the Nait 50. If nothing else listening to those records will be very enjoyable.

12 months on you’ll have recognised how much superior vinyl really is and you’ll be buying a Rega Naia or Vertere MG with Chord phonostage for your main system :wink:


Ahh well there’s the Technics SL1200 50th anniversary edition too.


When I bought my Nait 50 I also got a P3-50, the latter to be used with a Uniti Atom in another system but I did of course try it with the Nait. If you want to continue the anniversary theme, you could add some Wharfedale Denton 80th, which I’ve also tried.

This was a “staged” photo as the Rega would feedback with the volume any higher than pictured!

Anyway, Nait 50 and P3-50 with ATC SCM11 speakers was the setup I auditioned. The result was a fun sound but with a tad too much bass that made following the notes hard, things were smearing together. This is the third time I’ve owned a Planar 3 and I believe it’s more the Exact cartridge than the deck at fault, so alternatives may bring an improved balance to the sound.

Another observation was the hum… The Rega was the only thing connected to the Nait 50 at the time so adding an earth via another source or the grounding post would probably be the answer - I didn’t try this and with hindsight it may help clean up the bass.

My conclusion, the Nait 50 deserves better. I use an Akurate LP12 with a Hana high-output MC and it really does deliver, the Nait 50 has replaced a SN3 and I’m not missing it.


Ok that’s is interesting… doesn’t sound good. Did you try different phono interconnects? I do ground earth my Nait50 as recommended in the instructions… that tightens stereo field and bass a little, but does add a little warmth that I like.

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“My conclusion, the Nait 50 deserves better.”

The Nait 50 phono stage will certainly support a very good turntable , in a few years I am thinking of a Clearaudio Performance or an LP12


No - just the ones Rega supply with the deck.

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And as Simon has 12" singles to play I would say that’s a great shout


Thanks all for your comments… food for thought…

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Wow, that is probably the best looking “simple” set up needed to enjoy you’re music!

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There is also the 50th anniversary Technics SL-1200M7L around.