Nait 50 speakers

Oops…wrong thread. Moving…

Yeah I will try and listen to one at some point. I do like the simplicity of it and the styling and suspect it sounds v good.

To be honest though I am pretty much finished with upgrading and swapping components etc. Might have to upgrade streamer as tech moves on.

Saying that I have got an original Nait 1 (red light) and some Kans in storage. Quite fancy getting that out of storage and serviced. Will need to buy a mid 80s LP12 to go with it though as sold my last one…Darn I thought I had beaten my hifi addiction but apparently not :joy:

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You are probably right. I have always had the propensity to “over speaker”. But the little 50 drives them very nicely. At low volume there is plenty of bass which is a way I’ve judged to see if a speaker is not getting enough power from an amp. I love my mullet system, which I use in my bedroom. It is perfect for late night listening before bedtime. Oh, and yes and did purchase the matching stands for the K1’s from ProAc.

Have you ever tried any of the Tannoy speakers like the Stirling GR-OW?

I listened to some a couple of months ago when I was listening to a Master Clock in a system and thought they were very good.

Very transparent and clear and highly efficient with 91 dB/Watt sensitivity, or the Turnberry DR-OW which is 93 dB/Watt sensitivity.


No… way back when I was a student I had a pair of Tannoy Mercurys … but I am not sure that counts… I must admit I am not usually into super high efficiency speakers, it’s the low damping and minimum or no cross over I have discovered I appreciate that gives a highly transparent and nuanced sound… but those Tannoys certainly look the part…

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I’ve had Tannoy Turnberry GR but unfortunately to big for my room. I went back to my Tannoy Legacy Eaton. Tannoy have recently updated the Legacy series with the SGS series. I’m sure GR, Legacy and SGS are all a beautiful match with the Nait 50. One thing though. I remember I had an issue with the hiss level with Turnberry which I never have had with Eaton. 89 vs 93dB. Now the Nait 50 is likely more silent than my older 552/500 but might be worth having in mind.


Too bad Naim didn’t put in a remote control, even if it’s minimal, just volume and mute.

My DAC/Streamer has a Leedh volume control. I have it deactivated but if the volume control is a make or break it deal……

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I’m quite enjoying the Harbeth Super HL5 (first version), but it’s taking some getting used to after my Klipsch Cornwalls left. Partly the size difference!

The Booker Ervin LP I’m playing has some really deep acoustic bass from George Tucker which the Nait/Harbeth pairing are coping with comfortably.

And yes, I’m much more concerned with the stereo than finishing the decorating :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Hello. I’m interested in more information regarding Tannoy Eaton and Nait 50 pairing. I’m considering the Eaton for my 13’ x 14’ room using the 50, ND5XS2 and Planar 3. Thanks

The just released Tannoy 10” SGM may be the new Eaton.


I don’t have the 50 but do have the Eaton. Just ask me if any questions :+1:

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I think you definitely have your priorities right!

I would be a bit unsure about the Nait 50 and SHL5s long term strong partnership and give it time to evaluate unless may be in a small room? That Booker Ervin album should sound good though! : )

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Getting used to the NAIT 50/Harbeth Super HL5 combo here. I’ve not felt any lack of power or bass. In fact, the slam, poise, and depth of the bass has been pretty surprising. Vocals aren’t showing any unwanted sibilance or overemphasis, and there’s good dynamic expression. Had to remove my IKEA vinyl lamp as it was causing hum with the SUT. Currently playing Station to Station by David Bowie for the first time ever, after a friend gave me the LP with the Harbeths. Really good!


Good care of album. :scream:


That’s just an old one I use as a platter dustcover! :sweat_smile:

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Glad it wasn’t the Sonny Rollins. :wink: :joy:


What SUT do you have Nagraboy ?


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It’s a Mini Nano made by Sculpture A. It’s specially built with a 1:26 ratio and low impedance to suit my Ortofon SPU Wood A cartridge. Presents about 4.5mV for the Nait’s MM input.

Bryston Electronics recently merged with Axiom.

Lots of new models of speakers both passive and active.