Nait 50 speakers

may I ask whether you use standard psu for Emerson or upgraded to something?

I was given a Mean Well medical grade switching power supply on top of the stock power supply.

Iā€™m debating on whether to purchase the below linear power supply.


Interesting to see a pair of AB3s in use. Do you have them high-level connected from the speaker terminals?

I might be wrong but I think BK Electronics have something to do with the design of the AB3. The plate amplifier looks very BK, as does the satin black finish of the cabinet - I have satin black BK subwoofers.

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Yes, I do have them high-level connected from the speaker terminals. I didnā€™t aware if BK electronics has involved in the design though. Itā€™s interesting information. Thanks for your sharing Alex. The AB3as have 2 x reverse engineered B110 on each. I think theyā€™re gelled with the ls3/5a well and easy to setup. Xover was at 80hz and 9 oā€™clock on gain dial in my room.

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If it is a genuinely compliant medical grade (as opposed to just sales labelling) device to be used in Patient Care Vicinity, it will be compliant and indeed be certified and type tested to ISO/IEC 60601-1-2, and if so for hifi use it will be fine, where any electromagnetic emissions from the device itself will be inconsequential to other ISO/IEC 60601 compliant equipment.

Most commercial grade Cisco switches for example are compliant and conform with 60601-1-2 (medical grade EMC requirements).

I have yet to see a so called audiophile switch state its is compliant with and be type tested to ISO/IEC 60601-1-2. I am not saying there isnā€™t one somewhere, but in my experience these audiophile products are not formally engineered and conformance tested to this rigour, as they are usually targeted at audiophile hobbyists.
The same may go for stand alone powersupplies.



The saying ā€œignorance is blissā€ applied here (-;

Thanks for the info.
Iā€™m looking into a power supply upgrade.

Super curious if anyone has run the Nait 50 through some Audio Note AN E or Devore Orangutan series. Seems like it may be cool?


My Nait 50 is making a great job of reproducing Led Zeppelin II as I type this.


Itā€™s really an interesting idea though might sound unconventional. Iā€™m going to try at some point with the AX series probably.

Given that the Nait 50 drives with 25 watts per channel speakers like my P3ESR with aplomb , I suspect many havenā€™t worried too much about easy to drive speakers

Good question though

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Hear you on that. Currently running some fairly sensitive speakers and ā€œnormalā€ listening level is short of 8 oā€™clock on the volume dial. North of nine is party time.

Iā€™m rather surprised that Naim went to the expense of commissioning any print advertising for the NAIT50, as it sold out so quickly.

As with Snell and AN i preferred #J and even more #K , their #E were too slow in bas notes for me.
I like the close to rear wall or corner placement idea.

Only heard Devore at shows, very interesting but pricey.

I donā€™t think they put that much work into the ad graham, have only seen it appear on Naimā€™s social media. Itā€™s stylish in any case.

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I canā€™t see what, if anything, is in the stylised globule dropping from the dispenser.

Iā€™ll bet itā€™s the old Naim Audio (NA) logo.

Itā€™s a good poster - :ok_hand:t3: the vintage Naim wordplay.

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Exactly :+1:

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I usually prefer living with at least 2 pairs of speakers also to make sure that system improvements are not too speaker-centric. Added a Definitive Technology D9. Was impressed once with a system around this brand at some of the shows where there was no shortage of horribly-sounding 50k+ systems, bought D11 next day as a bargain looked almost unbelievable.
Always like how reviewers are surprised, from Soundstage Access for example:

ā€œā€¦which Iā€™d never heard before, then began, Rebeccaā€™s over-breathy, forward-sounding voice leaping from the right of the soundstage. I immediately stopped listening to my wife ā€“ surely the first time that had ever happened ā€“ craned my neck to better listen, and stood there transfixed. ā€œHoly sh*t,ā€ I muttered.ā€

ā€œā€¦I now had more than $10,000 worth of Scandinavian gear in front of the D9s ā€“ an unlikely marriage, but the Demands rose to the challengeā€