Nait 50 speakers

We had also tried the ProAcs Tablet 10 and the Harbeth P3 PSR closer to the wall. However, the spatial depth then seemed limited to me. I think the Accordos need air around them anyway and are not an ideal solution for placement very close to the wall.

Over 360 posts and I still havenā€™t seen a pair. :thinking:
Didnā€™t think Naim did speakers now. :wink:


Yes, 8k is not so cheap and if you are prepared to go to and above 5k then also may by try to audition a couple of similarly priced/level contenders before deciding? Especially that you can have also speakers of slightly different size and character at a similar price point?

Frankly, I donā€™t know yet. So far, I thought I would get further in the price range up to 5k. But the cheaper speakers turned out to be a step to the side rather than forwards. And my Vienna Acoustics are not that bad in comparison. If I get any further, Iā€™ll be happy to report back

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I understand very well, and sometimes itā€™s also curiosity (well, foe me at least). When I changed to the Spendor D1 many years ago, soon after I thought I should explore others and went on to own and audition many similar in the range, only to return to the D1s a few years later - well at least now I can say I am pretty sure these for me are the best small monitor contemporary iteration!:slight_smile:

With my main setup speakers, the Marten Oscars - Iā€™ve now had them for several years since soon after they were launched and they work brilliantly for me and in my home environment. And, sure enough, I am sometimes curious to try something else, but so far, whenever Iā€™ve come back home from some audition and played some music on them, itā€™s been a ā€œoh yesā€ smile.

What you write is exactly right for me and my situation. On the one hand, trying things out is part of the hobby. I have built up my current system step by step with a lot of trial and error and with many tips from the forum (including network optimisation and room acoustics). Iā€™m really enjoying it this evening in particular - a wonderful way to relax after a long day at work. Speakers seem to be the most difficult thing for me and home demo would be key. Also, speakers above a certain price range are very individual and depend on the room in question. They are therefore difficult to resell at a reasonable price if you have bought them new. Thatā€™s why I think carefully about a purchase. And I will also try out a few others. Iā€™m not in a hurry. And the Marten Oscars you have are among my absolute favourites, along with the Franco Serblin Accordo.


Thank you for such an exhaustive report, I have P3ESR which with the right material sound wonderful, l have also heard the Nait 50 with Rogers LS3/5E - and that too was very good.

My feelings are the Nait 50 is very good with quality monitor speakers and needs sources like an LP12 or NDX2 ( I use a CDX 2 )

I heard mine using Chord Epic speaker cables and personally use Witch Hat Phantom speaker cable

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Iā€™m using the Nait 50 with NDX2 and Sterling Broadcast ls3/5a V3. They work very well together.


Love the finish on the Sterling speakers


I own an NDX2ā€¦ I know the NDX2 is used as example source in the Nait50 manualā€¦ but quite frankly the NDX2, good though it is, really under achieves by a considerable margin of what the Nait50 is capable ofā€¦ I would at least look at the ND555 or equivalent or better non Naim source to get the best from the Nait50ā€¦ itā€™s that good.
As such the Nait50 is hard to position in the Naim hierarchy ā€¦ perhaps thatā€™s why it was positioned as a limited edition special.

An example of its incredible performance was demonstrated a few months ago. One of the Nait50 input channels started sounding ordinary as opposed to exceptional. It was a hard oneā€¦ I thought it was me, but on immersive listens it became quite obvious. One input started sounding like a regular mid tier classic ampā€¦ and the other magical. Took it to the dealerā€¦ we used a standard non ND555 level sourceā€¦ we couldnā€™t hear it. We upped the source to a DAVE levelā€¦ yes we could now clearly hear the performance drop in comparison to the other channel.
It went back to Naimā€¦ initially NFFā€¦ but in the end I was told that Jason aka Golden Ears at Naim was brought inā€¦ yes he could hear the shortcoming on one of the inputs. The input DIN socket and for good measure relay was changedā€¦ it transpired one of the DIN sockets pressure contacts had a small manufacturing faultā€¦ voila super high end sources could be enjoyed again at full potential on both inputs on the Nait50


Thank you. They are Wild Oak.

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Proac Tab 10 Signatures on the end of my Nait 50 - excellent pairing.


Quite happy with my ATC7ā€™s in a near-field second system. Great balance of sound, I can understand why lots of the reviewers were startled at how ATC managed to get this level of sound from ā€˜relativelyā€™ inexpensive speakers.


Some pricey DAC/Streamers being suggested.

Personally, I would divert more funds towards speakers like the Alumine Two by Stenheim.


And you would immediately hear all the shortcomings of the average dac/streamersā€¦ balance is a tricky thing out there

The diminishing returns on a DAC/Streamer are reached long before that of speakers imo.

Iā€™ll always allocate more money towards loudspeakers than a DAC/streamer for my system.

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No, source first

I always overbuy on speakers. But in my defense, it just hurts once when you spend too much on speakers. Plus you never wonder ā€œwhat ifā€. Iā€™ve read many times that changing speakers will make the most difference in a system. With that in mind doesnā€™t it make sense to spend a little extra on speakers.

For me, if the source was analog.

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And what is the difference if digital?

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