Nait 50 speakers

Amazing speakers for sure but as more than 10K :wink: perhaps a bit Ā« to much Ā» for a Nait 50.
At least not the best price ratio for meā€¦pairing a NAC282/NAP250.2 would be another story

50% of budget on loudspeakers.

We will all be in jobs for a while yet :laughing: guess it depends on system because with a Nait 50 might make some limited sense (although with source of ND555 being recommended I doubt it).

Mind you, when I see the effect AI or some ā€œinfluencersā€ have on the youth today Iā€™m not sure.

Thanks Ian for your feedback. However, in the demonstration (see above) the P3ESR did not seem convincing to me. This was probably due to the room (approx. 30 square metres). The Compact 7 ES-3 XCD were clearly better. Speakers from the LS 3/5 tradition are frequently recommended in this thread. This seems to be a good choice in smaller rooms with Nait50, as are the smaller Neat models. Here in Switzerland, these are not so easy to get for testing (at least near me). Much more common are PMC, Sonus Faber, PMC, Dynaudio. However, these do not seem to be widespread among Nait50 owners or some have not had such good experiences with them. And yes, the Franco Serblin Accordo are amazing, but also quite expensive compared to the Nait50 and my other devices.
Speaking of speaker cables: I use Tellurium Ultra Black II, which I bought second-hand from my dealer. Compared to other speaker cables Iā€™ve tried, theyā€™re streets ahead and well worth a try.


Oh yes, my room is smaller and I have heard both the LS3/5A and P3 ESR in a little larger room with the NAIT 50 , I am not surprised by your comments

The Tellurium Ultra Black would be a highly effective speaker cable, and I whole heartedly recommend the full fat power line with the Nait 50


In case it has not been mentioned here and FWIW - There are some video clips on youtube of tracks playing through NAIT 50 & Luxman LX-380 into Rogers LS 5/9 SE, Dynaudio Heritage Special and also NAIT 50 into Stirling LS 3/5A V3. I am not sure if the volume is matched in the clips (i.e. did not check)


Agreed on the 7s. They are astonishing, especially considering how little they cost. How do you find them with the Nait 50? Does it drive them well enough?

I had the Previous version, the C7Se3 and 250.2/282 was to my ears the minimum to let them sing the right way.
My wish driving them with an SN3 was not successfulā€¦in a 30 square meter and a bit ā€œbrightā€ room.

Yes, extremely well to my ears. Theyā€™re lovely at all levels but once at 9 - 9.30 sound even better :+1:
This setup is in a very small room though (approx 7ft x 12ft) and firing the short length, near field.
One day Iā€™ll put them in the main room next to the SBLā€™s to see how they like 135ā€™s up them!

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I run my Nait 50 into a pair of Diapason Micra 3 Excel speakers with extremely good results and would recommend. I have always hankered for a listen with the Dynaudio Heritage speakers but alas I donā€™t think they are available any more (limited edition).


I have seen the beautifully crafted Diapasons on YT and I believe you that they compliment the N50 well.

Yes - they sound as good as they look. Would like to compare to Harbeth/Spendor/Dynaudio at some point. They donā€™t get many recommendations nor are they mentioned much by other listeners.