Nait 50 speakers

You are indeed right… the Nait50 can work well in most large domestic spaces given the appropriate speakers…

Thanks, input for thoughts to me. As a start I will run my current speakers in the mentioned locations for a longer period, Focal Aria 906 K2 and Allae. They both do very well where Allae’s is a bit demanding to placement, but in the lounge work very well at some 20cm from front wall and free from corners.


The Nait 50 works well with both SL2s and SBLs, my N50 is now back driving SBLs.
Both equally as good :+1:


My dreamcatchers are
Impedance: 4 ohms. Sensitivity: 87.5dB/W/m.
which I think makes them a relatively tough load, doesn’t trouble the nait 50 one little bit.


My suspicion is that they will sound very similar , but looking forward to your feedback

I like a lot of acoustic music and it sounds great , funnily enough I played Fellowship Of The Ring and the bass thundered especially on the scenes such as the Bridge of Khazad-dum or the chase with the Nazgûl into the ford

I would say it can offer a lot where films are concerned , especially with dialogue

best wishes



I agree about movies/TV dialogue sounding great with these small boxes. I’ve owned P3ESR for about 6 years in total, the last time in 2020.

I recall being surprised how much better the P3 seemed when it replaced my Stirling LS3/5A v2 in 2011. Things change though. My current pair are Falcons, a much more faithful incarnation of the LS3/5A so we shall see…

I’ve also been thinking about picking up some other small box speakers to see what’s out there eg. Neat, JBL, Spendor, or the intriguing Russell K Red 50.


I would think something like Linn M109 for myself, or the smaller Ophidian range.
I do have a pair myself of the new Rega Kytes that is first in line here.

Various LS3/5a solutions have a rather nice midrange, not a universal solution imo.
Far too expensive makes them a no-go for me.

As a long time owner of Guru Q10’s I could see them fitting the bill quite nicely.

I’ve had mine on the end of Naim xs2 and then Supernait 3, both with Hicap DR. They are were up until yesterday on the end of a Technics SU-G700m2 and now giving them a run on my vintage Densen Beat B100.

Whilst all the amps have different presentations (and the Gurus are up to showing what that is) they always manage to bring their own special qualities to whatever combination.

You also mention that the prospective speaker needs to be adaptable to placement and have to say again here they are always accommodating on flexible positioning.


Recently tried K20/M109s with N50 and they have potential, much to my surprise. Was using Valhalla/Ittok/VM95ML deck but hope the Cirkus/Tramp/Lingo/Ekos/Adikt deck might work even better. Also got a pair of Katans on the way. Tukans worked well but not enough bass in my room. Early Kan 1s didnt quite work for me - I suspect the N50 needs a more modern speaker voiced for digital sources.

I have never listened to any Linn speakers, read a lot of positive things about the Kyte, maybe N50 have potensial for a «better» speaker.

Ls3/5 variants costs more than twice compared to the Gurus, looking at Neat classic as well. Time will show ….


I just know that the Nait 50 would sing with a pair of QUAD ESL57s and a fully loaded LP12.

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Yes @HiFiman I found that they partnered the SBL’s well when I briefly tried them in place of the 52/135’s :+1:
They’re back in the man-cave partnered with Kralk BC30’s now though and sounding lovely.

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To me the Nait 50 is Naims master stroke, one beautiful amp. I hope they continue this line of Nait in the future in some form.


ah yes, they are superb speakers, I have some Motive which is really nice.

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I agree, but a USP of the Nait50 was that only 1,971 were ever built. Some owners might feel a bit cheesed off if Naim started making them again.

I would like a matching FM tuner though.


They won’t build more than the 1973 numbers (± 2)

My guess their next Nait is Nait 100 with maybe 50W edition of the Nait 50 - why not use the existing knowledge and work involved in N50.
This amp will be in new design slightly simplified, it won’t be cheap.


That sounds about right. Naim are hardly going to return to Alps volume pots with no system automation or remote and different styling to the rest of the range.

Though the styling is a major winner in my opinion… simplicity, small size and non fussy. I won’t tell a lie, that was a major pull factor for me to start with… obviously it was when I heard it working the pull factors changed to performance…

Sure the lack of remote could put some off… but for some there are very effective work arounds for some sources… I do wonder if the very simplified control electronics without a remote does help with overall SQ from this truly outstanding integrated amp however…. kind of moving slightly into Denis Morecroft territory…


Agreed, I think chrome bumper is the nicest looking box that Naim designed and personally I could live without a remote (especially those horrible shiny plastic bricks they’ve started making!) but I can’t see this as being something they would continue with.

Shoebox line including analog integrated amps, DAC/Steamers and maybe a CD player. All with a common remote control connecting everything.

Maybe replacing the XS & Supernait.

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