Nait 50 v Atom

Just a quick update. I’ve had the Nait 50 now for a few weeks.
All I can say is that I demoed an Atom when they were first released against a SuperUniti and kept the SU. Fast forward a few years and the Nait 50 + Innuos ZenMini3 sound much better than the SuperUniti. (Will be getting an external DAC at some point in the future for an even bigger upgrade)

From online review I believe the ZenMini is more capable than the node. But if you’re planning to upgrade your source at a later date. It’s still a good way to start.

I’ve returned my Nait 50 and bought an Atom. No regrets whatsoever.

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Glad that you are happy … my experience is that all sorts of factors come into play .


Very true

Which will give very high quality sounds, from two small boxes and a larger , fulfilling my plans to downsize but keep quality high

I am not planning to upgrade hence my decision. The Nait is a nostalgia trip and just not convenient enough for my lifestyle. The Atom ticks all the right boxes and from an SQ perspective using Dali Menuet SE I couldn’t be happier.

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Interesting… was it the lack of remote and limited inputs that bothered you?
The Nait50 is one of the best sounding amps Naim produce in my experience albeit with a relatively modest power level, and limited usability controls and inputs… so you need to be a SQ junky to appreciate it… but I do realize there is far more to hifi than total SQ performance for many.

I have quite enjoyed the atom when I have used them, but it’s not the SQ department they particularly excel in. But they are great in what they are designed to do. Suitable quality replay in a convenient package.

I am interested in your reply… because I think synergy is so important… as if you don’t have a super high end source and transparent / low colouration speakers in a treated/semi treated room I don’t think you will appreciate fully the Nait50… and its usability limitations may become dominant.

To me the Nait50 follows more the DNM lines of audio amplifier design, but with a Naim sound. That is no or minimal automation / control electronics that can detract from the audio. Though DNM takes this approach far more than the Nait50. But the balance is tipped more in SQ performance over usability.


It’s purely down to my ears and for what I want the Atom is hard to beat in my humble opinion. My ears tell me everything I need to know. This is a very subjective hobby and for me I have landed squarely where I need to be. I don’t want to be upgrading constantly for the rest of my life like some on here. I just want to enjoy my music and I certainly am doing.

Bear in mind I’m not an audiophile and don’t want to spend my life in front of a system picking it to bits wondering if I’m getting the best out of it. All of the things you mention are great if that’s your bag but it’s not mine. I listened to a 100k system yesterday and to my ears it was ok but nothing out of this world. I am a simple man with simple tastes and I know when to stop. You are clearly devoted to your love of HiFi and give such brilliant advice to most who ask for it that I see you as one of the good guys. For me I have found the level my budget allows.


Excellent… yes I know what you mean about upgrading… I was on that train for years… I ended up with my 552DR based system… I eventually sold most of it… fell out of love with hifi music replay … and then fell in love again with the Nait50.

In terms of emotional responses, I think the setup I had that was closest to what I have now, albeit with lots of boxes, was a 252/SuperCapDR/250.2/Fraim/Hiline/Powerline/ATC SCM19/Hugo mk1/third party PSU/NDX

Exactly this. I’m not willing to spend many thousands on a lifestyle system that I cannot appreciate. The main issue with the Nait was I was not going to be able to feed it with a source to do it justice. It was either a Node X and Nait or an Atom and the general consensus was Atom. Obviously if I were to increase my budget and my desire for more boxes then things might be different but they aren’t and most likely won’t ever be. Small footprint, few boxes and an SQ I’m overjoyed with was my brief. I’ve achieved that and I couldn’t be happier.

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Perhaps more people need to follow your example in this regard… or perhaps they do… we just don’t tend to see them on the forum. Enjoy

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Thanks Simon. I do thoroughly enjoy the forum all the same as it’s not just about systems and upgrades. It’s an enthusiasts club with some being more enthusiastic than others.

Have a great weekend

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Hi @Akh666 I can understand your decision down to your preferences. For me the Uniti Atom was the re-entry into the HIFI world after many years of abstinence. As an affordable all-in-one device, it offers good tonal coherence out of the box and is easy to operate and connect, e.g. for a CD transport. The Atom can sound really good with the right speakers, speaker cables and a good power cable (which doesn’t have to be extremely expensive). It also helps to place the Atom on a glass plate (tempered glass). You will be amazed at how good it sounds for very little money. I have since switched to Nait50, ND5XS2 and Naim Dac as well as Fraim lite. The new system is in a different league. Better soundstage, better resolution in all areas, especially in the upper mid-range and treble. In terms of all HIFI criteria, this is clearly the better system, but it also costs considerably more. I really realised that when I sold the Atom (Click here).The buyer of the Atom wanted a listening test and so we compared both systems with the same speakers in the same room. We both immediately agreed on the differences. But the buyer was also surprised at the quality of the Atom, which was much better than the previous system he had. He bought the Atom with conviction. The Nait50 really is a great amplifier, but it also needs to be well matched with sources and speakers. It magnifies weaknesses elsewhere. There are also many more additional factors that play a role, such as DIN cables, digital cables and the power supply for the various components. This requires advice from the dealer or personal patience and enjoyment of the hobby when trying things out. If you prefer a simple solution, the Atom is a good choice. Enjoy.


Thank you. I have added Dali Menuet SE speakers today and am totally overjoyed.

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I have to do the same choice.
I had listen to both of them.

Atom is an all in one.
Pair of speakers and go !!

With the Nait50 you need a source.
And a good one.
But if you find one. Wouah.

As it will be my last system, I choose the Nait50.
It has to go with my ProAc T10s speakers I had with my last system (Qute/nDac/72/HC/140)
I love those speakers.

And the journey started.

I found an Aurender streamer.
Now, my last gear to find is a Dac.
But I’m not in the rush.

Enjoy your Atom.
It’s a very good Naim.


Thank you, you too.

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Interesting that I have a similar feeling in a way. I used to have DNM pre/power combo with the dedicated psu in the system for some time and it was one of the best amplifiers I’ve heard. Running Naim 50 currently and you might be right really, it works in the same direction regarding ‘presence’ and feeling of ‘rightness’ of the music flow.

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Thanks for your feedback - it’s nice to hear of someone who looks at it the same way as I. Why did you lose the DNM?

it was not mine, just listened it for a while

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