Nait disaster

Curious / surprised as to Dave’s involvement as he hasn’t been a Naim dealer for several years. His son (apparently) hated SBLs and got involved in the business about the same time it stopped being a Naim dealer

He sold me my first Naim in 1999 (102/180/napsc) and he was fastidious in setup in my home - changed the screws in the wall sockets to get rid of steel!


… which made such a profound improvement that you never had to upgrade ever again … :blush:

Because I asked him to sort it as he’s my dealer and he’s a kind caring person
Yes Dave always went on about the importance of mains supply even before it became fashionable hence why I have 4 separate mains spurs
2x 10mm
2x 6mm
Nelly prefers the 6mm

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I’m the guy who used to unplug the freezer when listening to music…until the day I forgot to plug it back in



I noticed that Nelly the Nait 1 has a green light. :thinking:

Looks immaculate. :heart_eyes:


Er, not quite :joy:

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Never in direct sunlight and sleeps under an old handkerchief

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I felt your pain and had no interest in being greedy.
Well pleased for you. :+1:t2:

Same here. Dave sold me my first hifi which included a Naim Nait 3. I was shocked at the service he provided from that day. I upgraded over the years and during that time I moved house 3 times and on all occasions he came over and reinstalled the hifi.

Said it earlier, Dave is a great guy.

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The last NAITs had a green LED. Of my two NAITs, one is an early one with the smooth edged volume knob and red LED, and the other a later one with the knurled edged volume knob, but not quite late enough for the green LED, so it’s still red.


Thanks for that Richard :+1:t2:
Lovely looking things just like the little cakes. :rofl:


Nice story…, I agree the relationship one develops with your hifi dealer over the years can be like developing a genuine friendship…

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Richard, when you appearing on master mind… three guesses on your specialist subject :joy:


Well done Naim. Above and beyond :clap:

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I kept all 3 :rofl:

So no new Nait 50 then I take it? A great outcome though.


No new Nait
It was at the audio counsel but never touched let alone opened the box
I’m a single Nait kind of guy
Played a few CDs last night and sounds fantastic cold so to speak.
Now it would be unfair to compare the opera to my old cdx but I’m a very happy boy
Big question is…shall I get the cdx serviced???

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Morning, I hope your wife is as pleased as you are with Nelly’s return to the marital home :slightly_smiling_face: