NAP250DR or NAC282?

I had started w 282, upgraded to 252 n now 552. Thus far i had upgraded my preamp w/o home demo and i had never regret it n always delighted w present surprise when plug into my system. I now truly understand y some members here say in Naim, pre is king. :blush:

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Got a 282 at the end of last week and had a good listen over the weekend. Wow, it’s good :smiley:. Thanks for the advice, very glad to have done this.

Interestingly it sounded much better to me once I got the aesthetics sorted - I initially put it on top of the existing rack but it looked odd being together with the SN2. I rearranged the rack to basically hide the SN2 and I’m happier, phew. That will delay the urge to get a 250 for a while !


If your end-game is 282/250dr and you plan to buy used, then the searching should be on a good deal on either piece. I went from 202/200 to 282 hcdr/250dr. The 250 was found first so that is what went into my system first.

I’m happy to hear of your excellent improvement, as I will undoubtably be in the same situation at some point. For me, it’s still a good while off, but incorporating a 282, and then replacing the SN2 with a NAP 250dr will most likely happen eventually.
Enjoy the new musical sound.
And regarding your Avatar; you’re either an avid Table Tennis player, or a pervert …

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Interesting, how would you compare the 282 on the SN2 on its own? And what power supplies are you using, HiCAP?

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A used 250 DR should be in reach now you have the 282. There won’t be a significant outlay once you factor in the value of the SN2.

You’re the second person to comment on this (see above). I think I should change the avatar!

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I initially went from a bare SN2 to SN2 plus Hicap DR - big difference, really surprised me. It was that experience that made me consider further updates.

Subjectively the difference between the SN2/HiCap DR and 282 is greater than between the SN2 and SN2/HiCap DR. And this is all with what is probably now a suboptimal source (ND5-XS2/Qutest) !


That is good to hear. A pre costing nearly twice that of the integrated should be quite a bit better I reckon.

I just wanted to share that I have the 282 with hicap DR. fronted by NDS/555PS DR driving a 250 DR and it’s a fantastic system. You probably have a lot more fun to look forward to.


I suggest that one, no ambiguities here

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Not a thing @Mike_S wants to read :laughing:


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No, no, sorry about that, I was just trying to be funny. I think my sense of humour has twisted a bit during this Covid thing.


Nothing wrong with your source!

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We talk a lot about upgrades and the value thereof. Having had a 282 for many a year and never really felt the need to change I do honestly think it’s a truly great product, not just in the Naim range but hi-fidelity generally.




Completely agree, the best combo for money. The little brother of 552/500.

It’s all good, I have the NDX2 and XPS DR with the SN2 and XPS DR and it’s very nice.

Yes, I know. But I feel some interest in the possible upgrade :laughing:, sorry, just a feeling when I read you sometimes.

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You’re a tease sweetie. I’m always interested in peoples experiences. I love what I have and there is always better. I like better, but dislike more boxes and complications :flushed:. I’d like to hear the 282/250 for sure, and the top of the Heed range one day, for a comparison. It’s a hobby after all.

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Yes, just a tease , honey :rofl:

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Would like to know how much difference there would be between a SN3/Hicap Dr and a 282/200 Dr. I’m in fantasy land by the way, miles off that at the moment.

Its only £2.5 k cost difference (smallish by Naim stds), but would i be right to say a lot more performance?

Of course , an additional Hicap Dr/250 Dr would give much more, but at a cost and black box increase. Then the need for a taller rack or 2 rack set up.

A ndx2/xpsdr/282/200 could be a nice compromise between performance/wallet abuse /box count and rack presence.

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