NAP300/300PS non-dr

?? - My oldest Naim unit was built in 1985 - and still going strong…!!!

I know you guys will come back with the yell :rofl::rofl::rofl:

There is a different mentality between the East & the west mate !

People here in Asia only count

  1. brand name (Naim) meaning they don’t dare to look for home memo but buy it straight from dealer
  2. Production year - second hand market only works for the newest model but not a piece over 10 years old here. I bought both my XPS & CDX2 from ideal audio/Manchester who did most of the checking work for me !

Hope above clarified

We can only guess at your location, as you do not seem to be sharing it with us…

I am personally familiar with the ‘Brand’ and ‘New’ concepts, from living in Japan. Lots of great older used stuff that the Japanese won’t touch - for the crazy Gaijin to buy up…!!!


Before the OP decides on moving to a 300DR, there is a way more fundamental dilemma to resolve first IMV.

That is whether to stick with CD or start on a streaming journey.

Without prejudice, thanks your understanding :pray:

You are right

Indeed, I am a happy user of another brand at the moment, the upgrade to ND555/555PS not my short term goal ( price wise play a role)

Agree with HH. There are many excellent digital sources out there and some cost an arm and a leg.

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Gosh, seeing you here is a blast from the past, and a very welcome one at that.


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