Nap500 with 552

If you’d done the dedicated mains first, you may not have noticed such a difference with the other measures to reduce noise?


Good point … however I live in the countryside and there is a dirty great farm nearby - with horrendously noisey equipment…I think this is the problem. I have spoken to others who have gone down my route…and all agree on the staggering improvement when improving power supplies and cabling. When I went to Salisbury I was shocked to see a standard switch hooking up the ND555…I think it was something like a Dlink Ethernet Switch - DGS-108 or similar on a wall wart… I know for a fact this will have a significant impact on sound quality… I mentioned it at the time and just got a quisical look… :crazy_face:


I have had a Puritan 156 for trial a couple of weeks and it stays. I cannot hear any downside with it in my system. Will also let an electrician install grounded outlets and a dedicated line as soon as they have time for it.

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Living on the edge :smile: It is indeed improved safety with earthed outlets but it was not until 1994 this became mandatory in all rooms in Sweden so many of us still have non earthed outlets and the same out in Europe. As long as you don’t start to pull in cables from earthed rooms into non earthed rooms and do your own solutions it is still pretty safe. I also have earth fault breaker on my full house which works great without protective earth. For ESD and general system improvements earthing is also good to have even though it’s main purpose is safety.

Yes stress that electrician to get it fixed :blush:

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I have a dirty big 32 amp old school wired ceramic fuse holder which would take about 3 hours to burn out. (Yes it seems to be directional too) the wall plug has oven wire to the fuse with a seperate larger earth wire along side, a very heavy brass earth bus which is connected to a filthy big 50mm square earth wire ( as thick as a finger) to a very large copper plated earth stake located right by my garden hose tap. This is totally leagal here in New Zealand as the mains board
was in the house when we arrived so wire fuses are legal. Naturally, I’ve put electronic fuses throughout the rest of the board. Over here tapon wall plugs are legal so yes must incorporate them for star earthing at its best no ring mains here thank goodness.
No need for a power conditioner as it’s the way god created it. Plus the fact Naim advised not to.
I take the bad days with the good as the good days far out weigh the bad in so many ways.
Since I’ve had the the 500 I seriously haven’t had a bad day!

Note: pls look at your own country’s electrical regulations.


When I spoke to Darran@ Class A he said Supercap 2 every 10 years. He said 52 15 years and XPS2 10 years.

Power supplies and power amps take more of a battering than preamps hence variation in service intervals.

Maybe it will be fine after 15 or 20 years. I use kit outside of these parameters and it sounds good. There will be a variance on how long capacitors last and how well kit is being used.

I am getting 3 boxes serviced anyhow and will see if it makes any difference. When I had my 82 and 135s done it made a huge difference.

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Currently playing Yussef Dayes new album Black Classical Music on my 500 setup, incredible. Playing at low volume the NAP500 has a vice grip on the SL2s.


When my 135’s were done it was quite the success particularly in the bottom end did take awhile for them
to run though. I’ve just sold them (went like hot cakes) so Mrs Hen has a little more unpleasantness about the whole buying 500 situation :grimacing:.
I do feel abit sad though. I’ve broken up a lovely vintage big olive system that took me a very very long time to gather from all over the globe. Was really lucky to have Chris Murphy to service them.
Anyway, the 500 has certainly helps and is the only natural progression from 135.

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Don’t worry about it. There’s plenty of Time to regret it later. I’m sure the 500 will ease the pain. :joy:


The 500 is one of Naim’s masterpieces imo. Not sure we’ll ever see anything like it again.

That was also said about the 135’s, then along came the 500, same said, then along came the 500dr, see where this is going . lol

I’m not so much referring to its sonic capabilities as its presence. I’m not sure a designer would be indulged to that extent again is what I mean

I dream about opening up my 500 like this. But I won’t of course :slight_smile: A lot of copper in there.

And easy to forget when talking about the 350. In the 500 there is a full jammed box just for the power supply which is mostly transformer and caps. Not saying more is more. But big cap reservoars are rarely a bad thing.


NC350 (prototype picture)


NC350 look a bit of a mess in construction compared to the 500 series?
Olive and staying there

IIRC, the picture of the NAP350 was taken by Steve Sells - it was a prototype on his desk and he admitted that the inside was not at all up to production standard.


Would it not be the case that the 350 replaces the nap 300dr? So the 500 dr hasn’t had its big brother released as the 500dr is still in production. I wouldn’t expect for 350 to one up a 500, even thought it has more power. For me so what plenty amps have more rms power than a nap 500.

110db noted what Richard recalls:

Please bear in mind these are prototypes and do have modifications. They will have been taken apart many times and their condition shows this. Production units are fanatically built.

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