NC 222 with OC 250DR

@stavrose , I have merged your threads. Rather than starting a new topic for each question, as they are all closely related, please ensure you stick to the one pertinent thread. Thanks.


Will do, thanks.

You would still be stuck with the limitations of the Nova…and not utilising half of the box!
Best advice, speak to a number of dealers, on the look out for ex-dem or trade in, on both NSC222 + NC250. If the timing is right, you will, with trade in on Nova and NAP, if in good condition and not close to a service, find there are attractive deals to be had. NSC222 + NC250, as has been said before, is a good combo and it will be a significant step up from Nova.

As @Rob.Steele has described above, Naim NDX 2 and Supernait 3 Bundle is worth consideration. However there is no absolute guarantee that you will be satisfied. Weaknesses may become apparent elsewhere. Only auditioning will answer your questions, rather than repeating much the same here. That is why opinion is divided on the Nova + NAP option.
Be certain to audition anything with your speakers.

I can see that you really want me to go the whole hog :grinning:

I wish I could afford it. But determined to only invest in one box.

I hear what you say about still having the limitations of the nova, but I think I can happily accept that. It sounds amazing with the 250dr its just a bit too forceful in presentation which makes some music sound a little fatigueing. I’m wondering if a nc250 would sound less forward and strong sounding.

Try near Leicester, for 222-NC250.

Unless you discuss with a dealer - you won’t know the cost - unless of course you are proposing to buy new?
However wondering here, won’t get you more than opinions and ideas. You have asked for advice, then placed several restrictions. Without being open minded, it’s likely just gambling.
Audition rather than speculation is the way forward.


Ian good suggestion, although he has the very active agent likely on his doorstep in Chester. I suspect there are deals to be had there, given the volume on the auction site from the same place!
It was where I had in mind in my earlier post. However I think this thread is now speculative without a coherent intent.

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They are both in stock, pre-loved…!!

That’s all I’m looking for at this stage.

I’always maintained that I only want to change 1 box.

To have had the 250.2 and the 250dr the latter is less forward than the 250.2, the sound is more refined, softer… Having listened to the nc250 I think the sound is clearer, more precise than the 250dr.

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The problem here is the preamp, which doesn’t control enough the 250 dr.
The 250 dr is not bright, shouty, but organic and involving, however with a Naim sound character. The Naim sound is by character forward and giving attention to itself. Not for everyone.
If a better pre doesn’t change the things enough, which is the first step to try, then perhaps it will be necessary to try non Naim amps, softer and less forward.

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When I added an external streamer to 272 I noticed that the sound was softened, less forward, more deep, more refined… So this “in your face” side came from the streamer and not the dac or preamp…

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The change from 250.2 to 250DR was not just a DR module swap. The PCBs were totally redesigned and the old metal can transistors were replaced with Naim’s NA009 proprietary transistors. The DR model is a totally different amplifier. When someone paid for a DR “upgrade” on a 250.2, half of the amplifier was removed and replaced with newly designed circuit boards.

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As I wrote… Happy to be corrected… :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s interesting.

I think in the case of a nova we know already that it produces a less in your face sound.

So the source (nova streamer) is very unlikely to be causing the forwardness in my system. This is the realisation I am coming to, changing the nova to a 222 doesn’t appear to be the answer. The answer is changing either the 250DR or my speakers but I don’t want to do the latter. The nc250 seems like the only option worth trying…

Have you spoken to or visited your local Naim dealer to discuss the issue, if not it may be worth you doing so as you might be able to hear your kit with their kit and see which bits combine best to give you the sound you are looking for.

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Yes, ultimately I won’t buy anything without a proper trial. I’m going to make some calls soon and see where that takes me.


This is all quite complicated as ultimately its dependent on what sound you like, how your room responds to the speakers and how the synergy of the whole system works. Virtually everything in the system including power cables interconnects and the boxes themselves can change the sound. For example I always though my system was a bit ‘closed in’ and just accepted that small standpoint speakers (Atom GT1) in a larger space 8m x 10m (after a house move) was just going to be like that. I didn’t want the cost and aesthetic change of bigger speakers. However adding the NPX300 to the 222/250 just brought everything out into the room and also made the whole thing more relaxed and less forward. Not trying to make you spend a lot fo £, but just pointing out that in this case adding a PS made a change that I had thought could only be achieved by new speakers… dealers and demos needed!

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The npx300 certainly gets a lot of credit.

I don’t think so. I had the 250.2, the 250 dr and NC 250. It’s not that your Nova is less in your face, it’s just that the Nova pre is not good enough to control the 250 dr.
You can eventually try the NC 250, but you will have much better sound with the 222/250 dr than Nova/ NC 250.

The other option : Ndx2 and SN3. Good dealers prices actually.