NC 250 vs Ear 534 shoot out


How do you explain that with RCA connection, the noise is in both speakers ?

Dirty mains. I get all sorts of noises only on phonostage, nothing else. Gain is higher and magnifies mains problems. Get hum on transformers.

Your speakers are quite near listening position so it just becomes a focus. I wouldnā€™t worry about it.

I get noises from fridge in kitchen, from fish tank filter. Just listen to the music and forget about it!

You are right, but I want to discover if itā€™s not the pre. Itā€™s a last thing to check. If another pre gives the same thing, I will forget much easier these little noises. It will be a proof that itā€™s a dirty mains problem. I will be more relaxed and will take time to find a good electrician.

Poor grounding possibly. RCAs were never designed for audio in the first place.

EMC maybe? Sunpanels anywhere near?

No sunpanels in the area.

I translated it ā€¦a bit like me :laughing:
Do you mean being a bit more rough and earthy ā€¦
And ee8 more clear?
Have you thought the ee8 more brighter sounding?

More a description of its bloated character in my interpretation. The EE8 sounds less coloured to me.



My dealer said that if I have to keep the 250, I will have to pay it again, because the 250 belongs to their shop, not the Ear. He made a big mistake the other day saying that I can choose between both. He had the wrong information. The boss of the shop, who is rarely at the shop, told him that.

So the dealer finally choosed for me. As I was still not sure which one to keep, I took my day to listen again and decide. The dealer has to take the 250 tomorrow.

Itā€™s probably finally the good Ā« choice Ā« , because I tend to listen more and more albums with the Ear vs the 250. The bit lack of Prat is present only on a minority of recordings. On most the Ear is richer and nicer, and still very involving.

This morning the noises were quite inexistant. But came back during lunch time. So I donā€™t think the Pre has a fault. Itā€™s not logical. Itā€™s something on the mains and activity in the area.


Do you think you will keep the NDS then?
It seems to have a lot of overlap with your Melco if Iā€™m not mistaken.

Donā€™t quite follow the financial trail ā€¦ surely you keep one amp and pay for the one you keep? Ah, hang on, the Ear was built and supplied specifically for you, so they wonā€™t accept a return ā€¦ is that it?

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Thereā€™s some logic in keeping them as a pair ā€¦ an easier future sell than a mixed pair. Good listening!

Un heureux hazard!

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You might need a Puritan 156 :slight_smile: Something in your area is turned on around lunch time. Maybe you can figure out what it is eventually.

Donā€™t understand. Overlap with my Melco ? My Melco is used only as a Nas/server. I stream only locally my files or albums. Very pleased with that combo.

Yes, and my dealer doesnā€™t sell Ear . It was ordered specifically from Ear Yoshino England.
I think the best is to enjoy what I have now. If in the future I realise that I miss something, I will sell the Ear and buy a second hand Nap 250 dr.
Or buy a second hand 250 dr and have both. Just swap from the 250 to the Ear some days.

Do you think itā€™s possible to have both amps connected to the pre, and just have to connect the speakers cables to one or the other ?

I tried an Audioquest power conditioner which changed nothing. No dealer here with a Puritan.

Are there twin outputs on the pre? ā€¦ If so, maybe itā€™s OK.

You will only confuse yourself with the connections - best to get a New Classic :wink: