I’m currently at a cross roads and interested in hearing some opinions on my dilemma.
My source is the NC222/555PSDR. I used to have a NAP300DR, but I’ve sold it to upgrade to an NC amp. Speakers are the lovely Sonus Faber Guarneri Traditions.
I’m due to demo at the Naim dealer later this week the NC250 vs 350s. With a similar source. Here’s the conundrum: I’m sure I will like the NC250. With my source and speakers, that would be a really good, 3-box setup. Probably end state as there wouldn’t be any obvious upgrade path, apart from having to change everything all over again.
Now I’m thinking, wouldn’t the 350s instead be more “future proof”, as in provide a solid base for future upgrades (for instance new speakers like the SF Amati or even B&W 803, or 332/333)? The thing is I don’t want more than 4 boxes, and I’m worried that the 332/333 “bare” wouldn’t make the most of the 350s. And there’s no way I would add 2 NPX300. That would be 6 boxes in total.
Do I stick to a lovely 3-box endstate setup and just enjoy what I have? Do I go for a 4-box setup now, with the risk of further upgraditis? So many questions. So little time!
The thread on the recent Naim visit that @Dan_M attended may be handy, because we effectively had a big listening panel doing just these tests.
Based on that day, and after the usual comment that you will need to listen yourself before buying, I would tentatively suggest that:-
You probably don’t need 350s because the NC250 is very good.
You are very likely to want a 300 power supply.
If you jump to 333/332, you will probably want the PS on the streamer.
There was not much consensus on 222/300 versus 333/332 (with no PS). Both are good compromises, but you may well agree with the conclusion from that listening session that both were good compromises, but compromises all the same.
If you do get 333/332/300/250 and decide one day that you can stretch to a 5th box, you’ll need to audition things again, but my guess is that a second 300 power supply on the pre-amp would be more of an upgrade than swapping NC250 for 350s. Of course, some end up with even more boxes than that…
I went through this dilemma recently. There is not a correct answer, just the one that is right for you is my view, I went for the system that sounded best to my ears and 6 weeks in am very happy with my choice.
No, I had one already with my 222. I was initially going to upgrade to the 332/333 with just the one on the 333 which after trying both ways to my ears sounded better with the streamer. However, then that meant I wasn’t getting the best out of my NVC &NPX TT and LP12 which was a concern but I decided I would still keep the 300 powering the 333. Fortunately, I got an excellent deal on an ex-dem 300 so got it as well and didn’t have this dilemma.
My dealer lent me the appropriate cables and an NPX and I set up a comparison using NSC222 with NAP250DR (one year old), NC250 and NAP300DR (five years old). All on Fraim into Kudos 606 and Ovator 400s using NACA5, powerlines and standard i/cs.
Using a usb stick with a selection of tracks used for testing, the NC250 was a clear jump up from the previous gen 250DR. Swapping the NC250 for the 300, there was a noticeable uplift - not dramatic, relatively slight but it confirmed, imho, that the NC250 does not outperform 300.
Clearly NC kit works well together, with the added standby function, but care is needed perhaps.
Three factors guide these decisions. Budget / box count / sound.
If you wish to keep to a lower box count, stick with NC250. Why?
I have heard a demo of a range of 3 series kit, in a room I know, but not at home.
Anything less than 6 boxes will be a compromise, because the sound of a full 3 series system, shows Naim at its best, at that budget level. It would seem that @paulbysea has reached a similar conclusion.
…totally unnecessary…just be aware of turbulence from an odd few quarters…keep seat belt on at all times and be ready to duck!
Just to add one caveat to your succinct post…subject to servicing, none of the OC products are broken!
Great opportunities to trade up if the latest fascia isn’t a key factor.
You are dead right that OC products don’t suddenly become dreadful just because some new product is launched.
At the risk of being contentious and even shifting topics, I am one of those here who found 82 at least as good as 282 and liked a 52 at least as much as a 252, and actively preferred the olive 250 to the OC 250 or even 300 unless the OC box had had the DR treatment.
In short, old boxes do not sound worse than they did just because a new box delivers even better performance. On occasion, the old boxes are even preferable, even if the spec sheet says otherwise.
Cue comparisons with straight-six E-type versus V12, etc.
I don’t know why you need to ask the forum this question. If you have the funds do the demo and decide for yourself. I’ve been running 222/555DR/250NC for almost a year now and am quite content after years of fussing with different OC arrangements and not being fully content. I haven’t tried 350s with 222/555 but know people who have and they love it. And as you say it leaves you a path to the 300NC series. I’ll probably try the 350s at some point but in no hurry.
Things to note are that the 555PSDR is better than the 300 NPX.
The 350s are in my view the best of the 300 series.
If limiting to 4 box system I would start with 222, 555PSDR and 2 x 350s.
The 250NC is not as good as a 300DR. 2 x 350s will be better than 300DR.
A 332, 333, 2 x 350s would be very good.
The two power supplies added making 6 box system will be better still. But you don’t want that.
It’s a conundrum as you rightly say. Try all the combinations and think about your speakers and the power delivery that you need. Also the type of music that you play.
You will be making compromises whatever you do.
332, 333, 300NPX, 250NC maybe all you need.
The 222 is very good and some prefer with the 350s which deliver more punch!
You must audition 350s. They are the bomb. I just today got 333/332/350 to replace my 3 box 222/300/250. Even on 222/300, 350s made the combo just a level up. If you want a 4 box system, audition the entire 300 series. You don’t need npx300, it is very capable without it.
Amp-speakers relationship is I think the important question here. Hopefully you are able to do the comparison using your own speakers - with those I would guess that the 350s would be justified and more “needed” if you like? Still interesting, let us know.
One would presume the 350’s to be better, at the price they’re offered and the additional power they can supply. I’d be ridiculously surprised if they aren’t. I’m guessing you’re going to listen and judge by ‘how much’?
I bought the four-box 300 series system last Christmas as my ‘end game’ system and it’s an absolutely cracking setup. There’s a lot of synergy between the 332/333 and the 350s.
Having said that I’m a bit of a hypocrite as I recently succumbed to two ex-demo 300s so I now have six boxes. If everything’s in the same rack it’s the same footprint so I don’t see what the problem is with box count.