NC 4 box conundrum

8 box NC 300? Am I missing something?

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See @paulbysea above?

I think I would prefer a 333/300 over an NDX2/555 PS which is down to the voicing of the 333. Maybe in hi-fi terms, the other would be better but is music more enjoyable to listen to? Maybe in the context of a classic system, an NDX2/555 makes sense but in a 300 system, the 333 and system synergy would always give it the edge I think, well to my ear at least. I don’t have room for an extra 300 or 2, so will stick with my system as is. With the NVC TT and NPX TT, LP12 and lingo 4 I have more than enough boxes filling a full width and half-width Quadraspire racks. I was just curious about an 8-box 300 system, it is not something I am planning to progress to. If I had space for more racks I might have gone down the second-hand 500 route as Dan did.


Haha yes. And he didn’t even know I have Sonus Faber speakers. I will probably upgrade at some point, but I’m not in any rush. The Guarneris are really special.


Sonus Faber is great. I have Olympica Nova 2 and enjoy them very much.

And now you have the headroom cleared ahead but I am sure your Sonus Fabers would step up and love the 350s.


Your system is truly stunning. I would consider at some point 2 x 350s. I would also consider upgrades to the LP12. Keel, Ekos SE/1, Radikal 2 and Urika 1.

But then you would need 2 full stacks really.

But that is me. It will be absolutely stunning as it is, as you already know.

At this level you are looking at spending big money for improvements.

My turntable was at Selekt level. Now it is in a different league, but I had to spend another £12k including selling off unwanted stuff to get it to Klimax level.

These are things only to consider if you want to upgrade at some point.

I am sure you are fully aware of this anyhow.

And a good record cleaner if you don’t have one.


At the moment I am going to enjoy the system as is. Even though all the new to me electronics were ex-dem, so run in, it took them around a month to fully bloom and the system is sounding excellent at the moment.

A record cleaner is on the to-get list at some point.


These things cost a fortune, I know. What you have is amazing. If you can leave it all alone then and enjoy the music, that’s the best thing.

When I had my LP12 with Ekos 2, Kore, Karousel, Dynavector XX2 Mk11, Tom Evans The Groove Phono stage + SRX power supply, Lingo 1 it sounded brilliant tbh. Now it is better still with upgrades and changes. But it was more than good enough before.

Having cleaned 150 records so far, including new, it is worth it. Records that are 30 years old now are as good as new. New records attract static. Now cleaned, they don’t.

I spent £1700 on used Degritter. If I was on a budget I would look elsewhere. Good as it is I could have got a good alternative for £500 I am sure. Lovely machine. But for 400 records maybe I went too far! :thinking:

I have prioritised spending money on my system and it’s good as is.

I also considered 300 NC series for about 5 mins. I was too far into OC though.

No regrets. Loving the system. As I am sure you do too! We have top flight systems. Enjoy the music !


It will give you the desire to buy more. And the pleasure to listen to lps is invaluable .

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It helps feel better about the cost if you do the RCM maths a bit differently. I bought my Audiosysteme a long time ago - like the Degritter, its price is now huge, but it felt excessive even then. But…

I probably have fewer than 200 records that get played often enough that they need cleaning (say) once a year on average. Another 400 probably get cleaned once or twice a decade - most likely after they get rediscovered and played a few times in short order.

My RCM is still A1 and likely to clean for many more years. Let’s assume it lasts 20 years - many of which I have already had of course. By the end of that period, I will probably have used it 3000+ times.

Given what vinyl costs, that cost-per-clean starts to look a lot more reasonable than (say) spending an extra £3k or more on a super-cartridge that will be probably be wearing audibly after 1000 hours?


You are absolutely right @frenchrooster. I clean new records too. It means you don’t have to clean needle or the record on the deck very much and usually not at all.

Just been adding up how much I have spent on my system recently. And how much it may be worth and so on!

Interesting figures. But the pleasure it gives makes the most sense! Money is one thing. What the system has given me is on a totally different level!

It’s the pleasure it gives which is the outcome. Outcome for me is the system is superb and a big smile on my face!


I have deliberately not added up what I have spent in the last 18 months. Ignorance is bliss sometimes.


A shout out for the Velvet Vortex from me. Very effective and much cheaper than the de-gritter even used…