Nd555 not working after power loss

Assuming you already had these input enabled and they are not working either, I wonder if something is amiss with the digital section on the ND555 or with the 555PS connected to Burndy input 1.

Might be worth swapping back to a single 555PS to help rule out something amiss here, especially as your issues have started since the power outage.


unplugged last night
this am did not work but tried installing as a new device. It took a while to find streamer but it finally did and I heard music.
But then tried again and it could not find the streamer.
I kind of rushed doing this this am and I hope I did not screw things up
I am really at a loss
I did try just using 1 555ps instead of 2 last night and this made no difference
Should I try system reset on streamer? If so how does one do this?
ps. thanks for all your replies

I had an issue where nd555 would not find network. I turned off igmp proxy on my router and this seemed to fix the issue at the time. I have an Orbi mesh system.

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Do you mean you tried each 555PS in turn, using 2 burndies from each / one PS, connected to your ND555? Unlikely to be the cause, but if doing this, also trying swapping the burndy cables between 1 & 2 - which totals four options.
Please remember to power off before swapping cables and at very least mute your 552.

when it worked this AM both PS were connected, so dont think it can be PS issue…
I plan on working more on this when I return home from work. This experience is unpleasant since if I have to send streamer back it will be at least 6 weeks without music. The ND555 is my only source.
What else would cause the app to not be able to find the streamer… though it did work this am… I should have just left it on and muted the sound. At least I would have still been connected to streamer.

From your update this morning, it does sound more like network funnies than PS related. Good luck with further trouble shooting :crossed_fingers:

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network funnies? any suggestions on other steps I can take?

Hi David,

Had similar connection issues and solutions often varies somewhat and it seems to be very random for me what works. If you have not already please delete your wifi connection on your ipad or iphone or whatever you are using. Press “forget this network” and then locate your network again on the list of networks in your phone. It will then ask you for your password and then connect again. This has sometimes helped resolved issues for me. I only do this after restarting the router and the streamer.

Best of luck!

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The only other thing I can suggest is checking you haven’t now got a IP address conflict with the ND555 and something else sitting on your home network. This shouldn’t happen on a typical home network with the IP addresses allocated via DHCP but if you’ve had a power cut and things have randomly come back up…

I had an issue with one device here intermittently dropping off the network after a (rare) power cut. Checking what IP addresses were in use with a simple monitoring tool showed another device had the same IP. Rebooting this cleared the conflict as it was assigned a different (free) address.

Edit - David, i see from your profile you have an Uptone eR. For initial trouble shooting you may want to remove this and just have a direct wired connection to your switch / router.


tried bypassing the eR- made no difference
Is my ND555 broken?
Is it simply my app cannot connect reliably and the ND555 not at fault
I am confused.
Any thoughts @Richard.Dane ?

If you are in the UK, I suggest phoning Naim support - they will work it through with you.

He’s in NYK - if profile is up to date!

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Appreciate this is frustrating. In additoon trouble shooting takes time.

At this tsage, that’s likely. Perhaps you can try this posted earlier.

If that checks out ok, then worth resetting your iPhone, which retains all (wifi) networks you have ever logged into, unless you are in the habit of logging out (“forget network”).
It may be that the phone needs network reset. ‘General / Reset / Reset Network Settings’. As I cautioned earlier, make sure you have passwords to hand. Once you have done that. Turn off the phone (completely), turn off router for a period and ND555. Turn back on router and give it some time, before you in turn, switch back on streamer and again pause, then finally the control point.

My usual routine with these things is to switch off of everything network related, go to make some tea or coffee (or a stiff drink perhaps) and then come back briefly, switch everything back on, then go off and drink your tea/coffee/stiff drink, then return in a refreshed state to see what’s what, and hopefully everything back and working again.

Failing that, drop a line to Naim support…


I dont use favorite “presets” unfortunately
I use ipad for naim app but also tried on iphone - same result
The fact that for a brief time this Am the app found the ND555 and I was able to play music is encouraging but I never had this problem in past and it is still not fixed/working
Thanks again

can I call them or is it only email?

I do not use wifi for my streamer, it is wired
I have a WAP (wireless access port) in my listening room so that I can get signal to my Ipad which I use to control the Naim app.
I do not believe I have wifi enabled on the streamer.
I have not been able to check the setting on the app since it is not finding the streamer (except for brief time this AM) so have not been able to check the settings. I tried using the remote for the streamer to check setting as best I can but I am not used to using the screen on the streamer as I have always used the app to make changes to settings
Is there any advice on what I can check on the streamer screen settings that might fix this problem.
For what it is worth I tried to open app by starting the streamer as a new device. It worked until it got to country and then stopped. But I was able to enter all the info on the screen such as country, time zone, etc.

Ok, when you are back up and running, save a few presets. That way you know immediately if the streamer plays.
In the meantime, use just use one control point and see if doing the full resets gets you back up and running.
Worth considering that it may be your router that is malfunctioning.
I was going to suggest memory stick, but you can’t access it from the front panel.

You were posting while I was checking my streamer.

However, if you use internet radio, using the front panel buttons on streamer, using the third one down, scroll across the inputs until you reach iRadio and, if the unit is functioning with internet, connected hard wired, then your last used station will play - just tried that on mine!

edit - If you are using a remote, then go to settings and see if it shows a wired connection. Straight forward and support would ask you all these things from the get go. If that doesn’t show ok, then one other option. Remote may also allow you to use a USB stick - borrow one if you have to, with some music - flac format best. That way you can ascertain if your player is working and then look further.

I use Verizon router- spoke to tech support who claims it is working well
It serves my TV and Internet and no problems

I can’t help you, because all advises were already done. Maybe change the router.
In the waiting of support or dealer help, you can try the usb stick inside the Nd555. You can listen to albums or tracks without a network.
Then bring the Nd555 at a dealer place or in another house to see if its network related or a Nd555 default.

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