Nd555 not working after power loss

The basic thing we don’t know is whether your iPhone can’t see your ND555 because of a network issue or because your ND555 is broken.

All the advice already given is correct I think. But there is another thing you can try, which is look at the equipments that are on your network and have IP addresses.

You can do this by looking into your router where all active connections will be listed. But you can also do it by downloading a network analyser app to your iPhone and scan the network. Two free apps that work well are Fing and Network Analyzer. The object of this would be to find out whether your router thinks the ND555 is online or not. And secondly if you can identify your iPhone, to make sure they are both on the same subnet as each other. If you post the two IP addresses here, someone will explain what they tell us.


So @cohen1263 if I understand, after restarting router and rebooting entire system with switch on (in my case Uptone eR), then turn off and then turn on the switch?
Sounds too easy but I will try it when I get home later
Hope it works

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That’s it David. I couldn’t get my ND555 to connect to the internet twice recently after a strip down to facilitate a change of listening room etc. After trying many of the things recommended to you by chance I tried just turning what is in my case the last switch of the two off and back on again to create a fresh handshake between the it and the ND555. Fingers crossed for you


so you had the same problem: your naim app could not find the ND555?

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I had the same issue recently after a full switch off for a thunderstorm. The last switch being the issue (Phoenix).


I have to go back home and look at my Uptone eR switch ? is there even and on/off button.
If not just unplug or disconnect internet cable?

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Ditto. Monday evening here up north.

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If I missed it in the thread sorry, with Zigbee remote go to settings in the display and go to network settings… what do you see as the address?
If you see nothing or an address with 169.254 then your home network to the streamer, dhcp or the streamer Ethernet interface is not functioning. Wait upto 10 minutes after reconnecting the network lead… if it doesn’t get a network address straightaway… there is something not quite right with the latest firmwares here in certain conditions.
You could try connecting to wifi to see if that helps.
If it does, then it’s not dhcp, or anything like that… so then move onto intervening switches and streamer interface. If your switch is a commercial grade one of course you can connect to it and it will show you the status of the ports. If it’s consumer grade you will need to rely on trial and error more
So does your switch show the port to the streamer is up… quality switches have a little LED typically to show link is up. Does anything else work on that switch port and Ethernet lead when disconnected from streamer… try like a laptop. If that is ok… then it looks like your streamer transport board has died in your ND555 and it’s a return job.

Don’t confuse Naim app not seeing devices with this, on some consumer grade network equipment it can take a little while for SSDP used by Naim app for UPnP discovery to propagate through. The key thing is the appearance of a valid address in the settings screen on the streamer, from there it is straightforward and avoids faffing around… one of the benefits of the screen and the Zigbee :grinning:

will let you know after I get home
thank you

Before storms I switch off all my components. Each time, after switching on, Naim app can’t find my Nds, and sometimes my server ( Melco).
I generally switch off my router, Nds , Melco. Then switch on the router again, wait 5 minutes. Then Melco on, wait, then Nds on.
But it happens to not work. Then I do again the same, and also cancel the app and install it again. It may takes 15 mn but finally all is resolved.

FR is a sensible idea, but trying in my ND555 earlier before post above, without using app, the front buttons didn’t for me, link to the usb stick. I don’t use a remote so couldn’t try that, but did find last iRadio played (see above post).

You don’t use a remote but can it be operated with a remote ?
With my Nds, I use a remote if I want to play files on a usb stick. I can also see the usb stick files on the Naim app.

The issue here is app not available / connecting.
Trying to establish if ND555 will play from front buttons, but I couldn’t activate mine to access the usb stick, so didn’t make the suggestion.
OP doesn’t have any presets stored and we await response as to whether iRadio, as I posted earlier, responds to front buttons!

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Well Mr Cohen…. It worked !!!
Turned switch off after full reboot of router and system
It is working again
Such a relief
If you are ever in NY I will buy you dinner anywhere u want!
Owe u my friend
Enjoy your superb system
I’m slumming it with Titan T88s and only one 500dr


Great news. I knew that would be it David. Thanks for the offer. You never know. Enjoy your superb system again :+1:

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Great news, I didn’t realise you had a seperate switch when I talked about turning off the router - I really meant turn of the whole network. Well, it’s all sorted, so,enjoy some music.

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Hang on I want my dinner as well what did I tell you up at post number 14.


Yes but you ruined your advise by saying that you replaced the Ethernet cable Andy. Such a red herring. Sorry :joy:

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