ND555 now in place

You can’t put the ND555 under the 552? And the KRadical under lp12?

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The ND555 could move up one shelf as per my photo of system.

The issue with right stack is Burndys, keeping them off the floor. At moment it works well. But to get ND555 on top shelf left stack will need to move the 555PS DR.

Alot is possible but it’s finding best way to dress the cables.


Nice one Dan, the ND555 is a lovely bit of kit. Enjoy.

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Can you pick me up on route …I am happy to take on responsibility of cleaning Dan’s kit :joy:


It would be good Dan if you could.
Remember i didn’t have a 552dr at the time or the 500dr if i remember right.
I did have the 552, but not dr’ed, and think i was running a 300dr or maybe the 500dr into my my pmc fact 12’s.

I didn’t lie about mu findings as i have or had no need to.
I even took it my NDS to the dealer when i took the ND555 back, and we tried both there in his naim system. Both myself and the guy that helped out couldn’t tell any meaningful difference between them.
I can’t remember what system he had, but it was probably full 500 kit, as that’s what he used back thenbin the naim set up.

But obviously Dan has the full 500dr kit, so it would be nice to get his opinion on them both running side by side, before the NDS goes. Especially as he has 2 supplies as that makes things very easy to do, as you can run them both at the same time, playing the same song, and all you need to fo is switch between inputs on the remote, so even rules out sitting in a different position.
It doesn’t really get much clearer than that, does it.


This was your system according to the thread I linked to above.

3 x 250 amps
Ovator s600 active

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Although if you decide to do this @Dan_M, make sure just one of them has the ground switch set to chassis / default.


Cheers was just looking back in my pictures trying to find them, but they are on my table at home.
A lot changed in my system around this time.
The 300dr came, the speakers went, and the 500dr came in with the pmc’s.

I dont think my speakers helped at home, as they just didn’t work for me.
But then the same at the dealers, so ???

Looked at your thread on this Dunc. Very interesting.

The ND555 looks a premium product. For me the difference in cost between ND5XS2 with NDS versus ND555 isn’t too great, maybe £4500.

I am using Superlumina interconnect and EE8 and Farad Super 3. Again, slightly different amplification.

Depends on tracks you choose as well to compare.

I will do the test in due course. Let me get racking organised and so on.

My hunch is there is a difference between the two but maybe not £10000 worth. This is why I waited for a bit of a deal.

And I know the mind tells you your new bit of hifi is better. But to listen dispassionately is a good thing.

So all points taken.


Not trying to put your new purchase down at all Dan.
It just strikes me that you are in a very good position to do it just as i was.
Plus i think you are like me and like to try things out, rather than just go with the flow.
I know obviously you have bought it, and i was demoing it, with the eye on purchase.

Anyway just enjoy for now, and hopefully you will find the time to do it at some point.

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I know you’re not trying to p*ss on my parade!

You are looking at things objectively.

When I got ND5XS2 going into NDS some said it would sound better. It made no difference at all in terms of SQ. But usability was faultless.

So with ND555 the looks, remote and one box rather than 2 are all pluses before we look at SQ.

I think it sounds different to NDS. I maybe wrong. This is why a direct comparison all set up will be interesting.

The ND555 isn’t going back. But for everyone on here I will do the tests.

The reason why I choose to do this is that you have all been amazing over the years and we are friends on here.

It’s not just about me. There are quite a few on here who are thinking of switch to ND555 from NDS. So hopefully this will help.

I was always gonna make the switch. I wanted the full 500DR suite.

So I am going to sit back and blast the hell out of my system tonight and forget about the comparisons for now.

Enjoy the music everyone.

Love Dan xxxx :muscle:


I my experience, when I had the 300 dr, I found that putting all the ps on one stack, and sources on another, made quite a box upgrade. If you have the desire to try one day, it’s not impossible that it will make more uplift even if burndys on the floor ( you can have some foam around them).


It’s 3 stacks so not possible to have all PSs on right hand side. The stacks will become quite high. Having ND555 on top shelf, 552 top shelf is not possible to have all PSs on right. Unless I put turntable shelf back in. Extra shelves and space brings benefits too.

You need to bear in mind that I have slight sub floor issue. The 3 stack Fraim is a challenge but it does mean some power supplies need to go where they go.

I have had 2 stacks with power supplies on right hand side. I am following that principle now but with some changes. I don’t want 2 stacks piled high with streaming boxes.

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I have foam on burndys so they don’t touch each other. Everything is considered Rooster!

And I have considered going 2 stacks. I am trying to work things with 3 and have some space with empty shelves.

Also considering two tall shelves for middle stack.

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I was looking all day for the new thread - in hifi corner :joy:
Here it is. Yes - bass he can do.

WTF … hearing it now!

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I was sure you couldn’t do differently, but posted just in case.

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I was number 101 :joy:
But now have also joined the „bright side of the force“:blush:
2 x 555ps really do the deal


Surprised about that really as i always thought it was the streaming section that let the NDS down, especially when compared to the ND555.
As that was where the big differences were.
Haven’t read all your posts, but don’t remember reading your thoughts on SQ.

I certainly get the one box, well 3 actually, compared to 4. As 4 boxes just for a dac, and streamer is getting rather silly :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Your system is always a guide, man … :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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