ND555 now in place

I don’t have Qobuz on NDS as ND5XS2 is boxed up.

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For test purposes each with one PSU there is no real difference. Maybe ND555 slightly more detailed and deeper bass. But slight.


Surely you turn them off when connecting the burndies😱

I played Donald Fagen, Steely Dan and Prodigy with NAS test.


For about 2 mins. They are still warm. Makes no difference on test.

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If the difference was night and day it would show up immediately. Both have similar negatives if powering down.


Good point

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I found the difference was quite big when I got the Lindemann as a streamer and it got even better with a better digital interconnect. Go figure🧐. Maybe a Lindemann is a better move than a ND555? I’m also testing a different PS for the streamer and I think I prefer the PS over the one that came with.


Don’t forget that this test is for local streaming and radio, only.
I am quite sure that with Tidal the differences will be more pronounced.

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Sounds bl…y awesome on my kit

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I have fairly eclectic tastes, but I’m afraid there are limits!

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Just bear in mind I wanted the ND555 to sound alot better. I am being objective. This is literally two streamers with similar PSUs playing exactly same music synced at same moment. I can’t do this as well with NAS. But with internet radio it is perfectly synced.

If there was a massive difference between the two it would be clear. It is not. The difference is minimal.

I am keeping the ND555 as it’s newer, better made, looks nicer, modern display and beautiful remote.

I will try both with 2 PSUs but then the test is more difficult. It’s kind of game over now!


Yeah baby. You like it!?

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No baby it’s a musical mess but the sound quality is good :rofl:


Brilliant comment Rob. Our musical tastes differ!

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First off hats off to you for being honest and just saying how you are finding it, that shows me that you are just like myself.

I know we cannot talk about a certain thing in this test, but it is something that i was also using, yes strange as that is, and take from that what you want.

Sorry Dan been on the beech this afternoon and only just back.
But your findings are very much the same as mine, and like you i also gave the ND555 all the best bit’s to do it’s thing and the NDS had the worst off everything.

Once again thanks for doing this.
Cheers dunc


For sure mate although more importantly our humour is the same


Actually this latest music on the station is pretty addictive

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Got it - than we need something stored on your nas


Like I said you’re a good man. I owe it to you and guys on the forum. I appreciate your advice and the offer of the PhoenixNet showed alot of trust and that you are genuine.

The non Naim PSU is clearer. But difference is really small. The ND555 is a bit more detailed and deeper bass. But we are talking really small margins.

I got NDS for a steal at £7750. I am not paying full price here. So for me it’s a keeper.

But I would not pay full price for it. Sorry guys but these are my findings.

I switch over every 5 mins or so and it sounds near identical.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with set up and both streamers sound superb. Sound quality is excellent.

Switching over to floating on ND555 made no real difference.

The test has been alot of fun.

Gonna go 2 PSUs now on ND555!