ND555 now in place

FIIck knows!


Feel like I have been in a gym since I finished work lifing all these boxes and pouring bottles of beer down me to calm the sweat! :muscle:


So volume at 10 oclock Russian Techno. Sounds really really loud. Done with NDS, it’s on the floor. Stupid thing ND555 is the beast!

Or who am I kidding? :rofl:

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I never did the last test ND555 vs NDS with 2 PSUs.

And I am not going to. It’s pretty obvious what I have said.

Moved NDS out and enjoying the music once again. It’s what it’s all about. The system is sounding epic!

Absolutely smashing it again. My poor neighbours. Anyway, I am doing it anyway.


Was that on another thread Dan?

No. I have just written it as above. If you follow thread it will become clear mate.

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Interesting test but would be more interested in the results using quality source material rather than a 128kbs radio station! It’s a bit like demoing a high end rig using Spotify. Regardless you can’t go wrong with the 555 with two PSU’s - enjoy.

I used the NAS extensively! Not just internet radio.


You can pick holes in the test for sure. But the results were clear regardless of different streaming sources.


Another good internet station and slightly better quality. France Amplitude. Another fav of mine.

Ah, thanks, for some reason the thread hadn’t loaded properly. It’s an interesting outcome. I actually missed out on a bargain NDS a while ago - I could have run it with the NDX2 as a transport and that would have saved quite a bit of money - enough for my LP12 upgrade. I do tend to favour the ND555 though, as it’s one less box, and space is a premium in my current set-up. Like you though, I don’t think it’s worth the normal retail price, I got a new one at a large discount and my 555PS was second hand.

I also passed on a used 2nd 555PS recently, preferring putting the investment into the LP12. There is another aspect of the PSs that can be explored too……


Interesting observations.

I still have an NDS, which I ran on a 555DR for the last 6/7 years, using a SonoreUPnP Bridge to provide Roon support to the NDS.
This gives all the formats, all the Internet streaming services and a great UI.
The NDS is also used with a EtherREGEN switch with the isolated B port feeding the NDS, through a Chord Sarum Tuned Array Streaming cable.
I then recently moved to 2 PSUs on the NDS, with the 555DR on Socket 1 for the Digital circuits and another power supply for Socket 2 for the analogue circuits.
Connection into the Sim Audio Moon amplifier is through a True Signal Audio Ultimate Silver interconnect.


Doing the test is really difficult. Now the NDS is removed and I have attended to cable dressing better I will enjoy the ND555 more.

And now I am listening to Qobuz . Maybe fairer test would have been to have the ND5XS2 connected up as well. I think it would have sounded quite similar on Qobuz tbf.

But I think the test proved the differences are small.

A second PSU seems to make a bigger difference to me. As does EE8 switch and Farad Suoer 3.

I prefer the modern look of the ND555 and it has more going for it overall than NDS. If it is about SQ only then do what I did and add an ND5XS2 or some other bridge to get the latest strraming platform.

The 552DR and 500DR in combination with an NDS or ND555 is a fantastic combination.

But those with NDS enjoy it. It’s an amazing machine and not to be underestimated as we all suspected. But I think it’s even better now!


That’s the way to do it, as they say

You will always get the, you didn’t do it right, you should have done this or that. But the facts are really very simple.
You tried it like i did, and the difference is so small if anything, that it’s really not the big upgrade others say it is in SQ.
As you said you buy something new, it’s the new top off the tree, in your mind you are already hearing better things before you even get it out the box, it is human nature.
Doing the test like we both did is the only real way to hear what the true differences are, as you can’t make things up, and it just proves everything.
Obviously just like when i did it, i got a lot off flac over it, and so will you probably. As owners are not going to like the truth, and for some the only way to deal with that is to try and put you down. But like me you can soak it all up no problem at all, plus you have the added advantage off still having naim gear.

As you said you ND555 certainly has it draw over the NDS, and i would certainly have the ND555 over it, just not for any meaningful SQ upgrade.
Hopefully the next 500 series dac will bring the big SQ upgrade, as like i said years it’s certainly needed.
But i am also sure that Naim can catch up, and maybe pull off a miracle, let’s wait and see. But it’s certainly going to have to be much, much better just to catch up, let alone be in the top few dac’s, and right now we are having a new top level of dac’s coming out, that have even pushed that line higher.


I know you have done your cable dressing, but i don’t know how you have your power supplies connect up, if not don’t forget to try what i said, as i think you will find it better.
Plus i think simon is also doing it that way with the same.
Just a reminder that’s all, as you may already be running it like that.

Cheers number 1


In my opinion, what it proves is that doing a direct switch back and forth proves nothing. I’ve tried this method previously with other sources and all it did for me was cause anxiety by forcing me to make a rushed decision over and over again instead of just letting the differences come to me naturally over time. Living with a product and listening to it daily, for weeks, before switching to the other product being compared is the only way to draw a proper conclusion.


Sure I can relate to that when differences are obvious and rather big as with things I am testing now. Then I need time to determine what I prefer. However if differences are small, almost not there, then I don’t know if long term testing will change that. Of course small differences can be worthwhile, even crucial for the end result since we deal with small nuances like the ones I recently got from changing places on two power cords. But when it comes to investing a lot of money I want bigger changes than nuances.


Well we all see things differently,but for me your way is more like fooling yourself into it being different or better.
If you can not suddenly hear a difference, then that’s because there isn’t one.
You will straight away hear a better bass tone, wider sound stage, etc, etc. They dont appear out off the blue after day’s or week’s. The only thing that changes in that time is yourself.


I agree with this method and it’s what I’m trying to do when time is available. Rapid changes require quite large differences to stay in your acoustic memory and rarely this is the case when you already have a high end system.