ND555 now in place

Neither do I and being open and honest cost me with the Solstice. But you do have a pop at the gear that you’ve moved on from (ND555 and 552 come to mind) I don’t give a flying frack but people can get hot under the collar about such things

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I never moved on from the ND555 as it didn’t bring me anything over the NDS i had, so I never owned one.
The 552dr i loved and would have back till i was blue in the face, as it was one of them bits of hifi gold like the nakamichi dragon, etc.
That was until i went direct, i also had a dragon and found that it also got smashed by the Sony elcaset.
As said, i only say how i find things, and it’s only hifi, nothing serious, and certainly nothing to get hot under the collar about.


Well I’ve obviously not watched your journey closely so I stand corrected. But you broached the “haters” word so obviously you must think that you are p…. g some people off.

I do recall you stating that the 552 is the weak link in the 552/500 combo so with that and by suggesting that the ND555 isn’t much better than the NDS you will ruffle some feathers.

It’s not really important though is it?


It is not “what we do know”. It’s what you want to believe.

What we do know is the following.

  • Dan barely has a grasp on his own system because every aspect of it has changed in the past month.

  • The test was done using a faulty set of standards in most people’s opinion. (No hi-res, no long extended listening sessions, streamers powered on for short periods of time, different cables being used, different power supplies being used).

  • Your well known biased narrative is fueling this discussion.

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Well to answer that, not that i am really bothered

It’s what you want to believe, i didn’t go there.

You don’t need to know a system to hear differences between them, you just use your ears.

He used more than just streaming, read his thread
The ND555 had the best cables, the naim supply, it was certainly helped and not hindered like the NDS was.

Fueling ? I am just saying stuff like everyone else, Dan did the test and has said what he found, and thats that.
We all know some wont like it, and i have actually taken note off a few that haven’t joined in as normal, strange that.

But as said earlier any questions fire them at Dan as i did the same demo years ago, and it’s his thread.


@Dan_M I just love the sound of the Russian techno channel playing through my much more humble system. I’m trying to get on my bike for a Sunday morning ride but too busy dancing! Thanks Dan


They probably just got bored

Isn’t that convenient for you? That’s not how this works. You don’t get to start a debate, continually fuel it, and then say “fire questions at Dan”.

I don’t believe anyone has said you or Dan can’t have your own opinions. His results aren’t what is being argued. It’s the method of his results and your ignorance to the fact that everyone in this hobby acknowledges and realizes that one can’t form a proper opinion of a product without living with it for an extended period of time. I’m sure if Dan comes back in two months and states he’s never had the experience he’s getting with the ND555 when he had the NDS, you’re going to be the first person to tell him not to believe his own ears.


Personally, I find it downright disgusting under the current circumstances to listen to music produced and broadcast by Russia, but maybe that’s just me…


It is actually non Russian music from what I have heard.

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No hires? We don’t know. Dan streamed locally files from his Nas. He didn’t told if they were hires or not.
Powered on short period of time? Both were powered at the same time and during some hours.
Different cables ? Yes, but the Nd555 had the benefit of better cables than those on Nds.
Different power supplies ? No. Because Dan swapped the ps after and have done the test once again.


So what could be deduced from Dan’s report? The NDS is close to the ND555 and both are really good. Nothing surprising there. So unless Dan is p….d off that he’s spent money on the ND555 (I didn’t perceive that) all is well surely?

If we accept that the topping out point, sound quality wise, of streaming is lower than that of vinyl the margins are compressed more for the former. Differences will be perceived as smaller.


I think there are a few things to bear in mind.

  1. The NDS has a hardware limitation in that it can’t use all of the streaming sources available (Quboz). Now I know that Dan and many others have their work arounds, but the simple fact is that the unit on its own is not as capable as the ND555.
  2. When the NDS was released, it was given its name to sit in the Classic Series and not the 500 series. As there was no 500 level streamer at the time and the fact that the ND555 replaced the NDS, one has to draw the conclusion that Naim themselves felt the NDS didn’t warrant being part of the 500 series, despite being their best streamer at that time.

I have no doubt that the NDS and ND555 are close, but there are hardware differences and therefore there must be audible differences, however slight. Dan can be satisfied that he has the best that Naim has to offer at the present time. Those with an NDS can be happy that it is barely distinguishable in many systems, provided they are happy with the hardware limitations and the extra faff and boxes required for the work around, if Qobuz is their preferred platform.

I know when I was looking to move from a CDX2 to a streamer I discounted the NDS due to the hardware limitations. I auditioned the NDX2 and ND5 XS2 and found the latter just a little bit less refined. I ultimately went another direction for a more resolving and less aggressive sound, but that’s my choice.

Congratulations on your system, Dan. I bet it blows your socks off every time you have a listen. I applaud your bravery in everything you face, and big sweeping changes to the system are part of that. Never be afraid to go after what you want.


My mind told me after listening to ND555 on the day I got it how much better it is than the NDS. Perhaps the small differences combine to make longer listening sessions more enjoyable. And I wanted it to sound better than the NDS.

The ND555 had all the advantages in the test, but in terms of sound quality they are barely any different.

If I play my LP12 it sounds different straight away. Likewise ND5XS2 different straight away.

Yes, my system is new to me. But apart from ND555, has been played and listened to alot. Not sure if that’s relevant point or not.

So yes hires wasn’t used. Qobuz wasn’t used. Tidal wasn’t used. The test could have been run over days rather than several hours.

The test was run over several hours, playing from NAS drive and internet radio. I think the test gives a good idea of the two streamers. It’s not a poorly run test. The good thing was that the two set ups were compared in real time by switching between sources on preamp.

I don’t think setting up again with ND5XS2 and NDS and using Qobuz and hires will make any difference. The sound is very similar.

The ND5XS2 is already sold. I tried to do the test as well as possible. I think I did it objectively.


My questions are : Are you enjoying listening to music more than ever Dan and are you looking forward to the Naim tour? :+1:


None that I know of who had given it a proper test.

I listened to one system at a HiFi show yesterday that had an Innuous statement into IIRC a dCS Rossini, a huge Accuphase amp, and Marten speakers.

After about a minute, I had to leave the room because it left me cold.


Hi Cohen,

I am enjoying the music more than ever. And of course I am looking forward to the factory tour.




Whatever. As said i am not that bothered really.

It’s just been a very interesting test done by Dan, that i am glad he did, as the results were the same and show if nothing else in being consistent.
With that you can take away whatever you want. But i think it’s pretty easy to see you aren’t going to get a big SQ upgrade.



I went down to the factory shortly after the Covid lockdown to meet up with Jas Gould and hear full statement v S1/500. I wasn’t permitted to go into the production area so you are in for a treat! I’m glad that you are loving the upgrades, the what’s a bit better than what else is all just superficial isn’t it?



All fine with everyone having their own style of testing and methods. There will be truth in both testing procedures.
If it is important for someone to hear in initial wow when switched a/b, totally fine!
But - and I know this from own experience - there should be a chance to let the things settle in. Except my 500dr after settle in there is improvement but not night and day.
If the nd555 is only slightly better than nds (and personal taste is a really big parameter here) it is really fair to keep the wonderful nds, as there still is some major difference in price.
Too bad that I do not have an nds - as sidekick of Batman :rofl: