ND555 now in place

Gosh, I just played that. What an amazing song. I fear a rabbit hole may be heading my way. I don’t know much of his music, other then in Waters’ Amused to Death.

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Try his “Wired” album Mike :+1:


Hello Dan and congrats on your new toy. Also big thank you for sharing your experience.


Im curious about the bass. I think I have some issues in my room when it comes to deep bass thuds. It sounds as if they should be there but they are barely there. Would you say there should be deep bass? The guitar solo sounds good though🙏

@frenchrooster I am sorry but I have to take this back. The difference in my system now is massive. Sound looses focus and gets diffused and noise is apparent and disturbing. It almost sounds out of phase in a way. Very interesting.

This is with only one source plugged in. The RIAA is unplugged at the moment.


Yes that deep bass is a real tester. But it should underpin low down and start and stop when our system / room is on song.

When Beck struts his guitar(s) in this track he makes the music talk in music terms IMO. “Shame” is a great tack on the album also for this.

Thank you. It seems my room has some serious dips in the lower octaves and on this particular piece the bass is in that region it seems. Too bad.

Other than that it sounds fine. A lot of room and crisp guitar with lots of edge and body at the same time. Who is singing?

I get a bit of a harsh sound or hard on the edge of where it becomes a problem if I raise the volume. But that could also be the system. It’s not all the way where I want it to be just yet.

Listening to a high res version on Qobuz

Yes I understand bass wise Lucifer. Probably why the SL2 which roll off below 60 htz sounded so good with the track.

I don’t know much about the female vocalist but her voice character goes perfectly with the philosophical lyrics IMO. It’s always going to teeter on the harsh side as a recording. But to excite emotion :+1:


Phew - lucky you’re part of the superior 2% who didn’t fall into that sucker trap.


I didn’t use the word superior, but if that’s what you want to call us, then fine.
But certainly Dan and myself are special.


“Nadia” is a great track to illustrate where your money went in your hifi.


I passed on that 555PS as well (thanks to wifi on the plane I could have accepted the offer, but decided I would rather put the money towards a 500DR if one comes up).

I’m still beyond stoked with mr ND555. It does everything well (I don’t have russian techno, but it does really well on the Berlin-style EBM, Industrial, Blues, Classical, Ambient, Indy, Goth and Romanian Dark Folk Metal that I’ve thrown at it so far).


I figure you can get more out of a ND555 and the single PS before adding a second PS. I’m not looking for a NAP500, so I won’t outbid you :sunglasses:


Yet. :grin:


Ha, yes anything is possible, I don’t have a crystal ball, but on current plans it’s not in the equation. I hope you’re well?

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Yep, just got out of day one and enjoying a drink with Mrs Pete at an Irish pub. :grin:


It was sounded like Lily Allen to me, but it’s not mentioned in the AMG review.

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Yes could be Clive

A Google search says it is Rosie Bones, great album. I love his work with Tal Wilkenfeld on bass too. (Live at Ronnie Scott’s)

I couldn’t find an album on Qobuz, just the track. What’s the album called?