ND555 now in place

Hardly surprising.

Thanks for your admiration!
But if you are not interested in my fiddle - no need to read! Thx!

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So you tried them side by side or one in and then the other ?

Side by side, Dunc. As I knew I could only afford to make the change by trading in one of the PS555s, I didn’t want to rely on memory or expectation Bias, so borrowed the ND555 to try alongside the NDS.

The difference between them with one PS was significant and for me, the ND555 was better with one PS than the NDS with two, though I couldn’t do direct A/B in this configuration.

Add to this the improved stability of the 555 streaming platform, especially for Qobuz and it was a no-brainer for me. I’ve had no desire to add a second PS either, feeling the balance between my digital and analogue front ends is optimal as things are.




The Naca 5 longer lengths arrive tomorrow. Hoping to move all the boxes around after work tomorrow.

I will then carry out the tests.

Will be using NAS drive and some internet radio. As ND5XS2 is boxed up I can’t use Qobuz.

Should give a good enough test with differences.

Stack order I will try:

Left stack
Non Naim PS
EE8 Farad Super 3

Middle stack
552DR head unit
500DR Head unit
Zoneripper NAS

Right Stack
500DR PS
552DR PS
KRadikal 2

That way the 552DR head unit, LP12 and ND555 are all on top shelf away from anything that could interfer.

If the LP12 jumps I will have to revert to something else. Let’s see what happens.

The LP12 could go on a shelf as last resort. I have one in oak finish.


Nice one, glad it worked out for you.

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Liking it Dan Man :+1:

Ummm I think we know what you get up to in that part of world.


To my ears the NDS streaming board running CD quality Tidal is far behind a new streaming board supporting hi-res. In comparison to my Lindemann bridge the native implementation has less definition in the bass, less dynamics, less black background, less micro details etc.

Even just playing streams from Audirvana to NDS was a major upgrade. Haven’t seen a single one claiming there isn’t an great upgrade on sound quality doing so. If one cannot hear these updates I believe there must be thresholds somewhere in the system because they are very obvious.


I must say I agree

No idea what it is Andy, a new series or what?

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A best selling film which tells us what you get up to up there.

Okay, so what is it about?

Mid summer in Sweden.

About people who will fall into a sect during the midsummer in Sweden. Can’t say more, because I will spoil it.
I still have it in my head, a few years after. A nightmare.


Lol, a horror movie, then I understand, must watch sometime :sweat_smile:

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@Dan_M what have you done mate!hahahahahahaha congrats…i bet your system is sounding brilliant! Scala’s next??


He said elsewhere that he is wondering about Wilson Chromosonic XVX. Self effacing speakers with strong WAF.

wooooooow imagine, the new Watt/puppy looks good!

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