ND555 now in place

Wonderful album and very well mastered.


I agree, my favourite track from i/o is “Love can heal”

How’s it going @Dan_M, your setup looks amazing, a full 500 setup in a few months is some achievement :ok_hand:


Lovely kit , enjoy, you deserve it

best wishes


Not only is it the solstice today , it seems to be a full moon …


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My memory is that it is such an out and out improvement, there is no need to to that. All time available now needs to be spent on exploring a new music collection !

Because often the improvements are so obvious, especially within (e.g) the Naim hierarchy that scarce time needs to focus on music. NDS v ND555 is no contest, so time to move on.


I’m a bit confused as to why you need the 5XS for Qobuz, when you have an ND555?

Or have I missed something?

You’ve missed alot! Dunc has asked me to test NDS vs ND555. I used to have ND5XS2 into NDS, but backed it away. NDS cant play Qobuz.

So test will be NDS vs ND555 playing NAS and Internet radio.


Yes, and mid-winter for us, so it’s all uphill from here :sunglasses:

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This talk of little detectable difference between an NDS and ND555 does seem a bit daft. Even Naim acknowledged that the NDS was not up to the standard of 500 kit and therefore didn’t issue it with the coveted 555 number. A similar performance differential can be made between the CDS2 and the CDP555.

I borrowed an NDS a number of times from my dealer to compare to my CDP555 and I’m afraid to say it just wasn’t in the same league. When the chance of listening to their ND555 came along I took it. Two months later I owned an ND555 and had sold my CDP555. Adding a second PS gave it another significant and very worth while performance increase. If a difference can’t be detected between the two then I suspect there’s something wrong somewhere!


Why several times if you were so sure?

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I found that the second PS added quite an upgrade

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It was borrowed three times in total over a few years but it was because my dealer suggested trying it with a slightly different set up each time and I wanted to compare the NDS Dac to an NDac, plus I’d factored in that there would probably be improvements with the whole streaming malarkey but I didn’t really get that until the ND came out.

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I see. My confusion arose as there is no mention of the NDS in your stacking plan.

Enjoy the experiment!

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For me when I buy something new I pack up the old and sell it pretty much immediately. In this instance I hadn’t packed up the NDS and have 2 power supplies. Dunc asked if I could do the comparison ss when he did it a few years ago his system was slightly different. Initially I thought No. But I reconsidered because firstly Dunc is a good guy and hepful. Secondly. I thought it may be useful for other forum members what the differences are between the two.

The other thing is I don’t have an NDS box and don’t want to use my 500 series boxes. So will be a delay in NDS sale. The NDS will be on the rack temporarily during the tests.

I have already made my decision but I am up for this experiment. What harm can it do?


Morning, absolutely no harm!

Should be fun really and you can put both units through their paces in the sanctuary of that wonderful room/system you have built.

Looking forward to your findings :+1:


What I’ve always liked with NDS vs say NDX2 is that beautiful organic lush sound. I’d be interested hearing if that has gone with ND555 becoming more “Hifi” and more NDX2 or if it still is clear that it is based on NDS DNA.


It might hurt someone’s else’s pocket :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m my experience, that’s the same between the NDX2/555PS and the ND555.


Hi Dan,

Thanks for the explanation. No harm at all, as you say, and I did the same comparison before buying my ND555.

My result was unequivocal, and I look forward to reading yours.



So did you also have both running at the same time into the same pre so you could just switch inputs for a real time, side by side comparison ?

As that’s what we are doing here.
Playing the same track at the same time, so when you switch inputs, you are hearing the same track at the same point in that track, but one on the NDS, the other on the ND555.

I dont think many will have done it like this, due to not having a spare power supply.