Good evening Mike, or perhaps good morning for you, the Powerlines cost $995.00 USD each. The same company that distributes and repairs NAIM in the US AV Options offers several AC connections, I have picked up three of their TibiaPlus12 AC cables which go through a Deep-Cryo treatment. They have received great reviews and at $214.00 each I replaced the standard cables with these and I am quite pleased. For the moment I don’t see me moving in the Powerline direction. Funny thing is I have said that about a couple of other Naim item which somehow found there way into my system. So I never say never, just not at this time. Yes patience and time, patience and time and of course money!


Early evening here @seakayaker. Another hot day, even the pool is hot! Yes, that pricing is a bit out of wack I think for the Powerlines. If you have some good alternatives, I think that is a good approach, especially having them all the same is the important thing. I was originally going to use Isotek leads to match the power boards, but ended up with Powerlines when a coupe of second hand ones came available, I grabbed those and then bought 2 new ones.

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Never say never, but the cables you are referring to are a fantastic upgrade(IMHO). Glad to hear so far you like the HiCapDR.

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Good to see you’ve got something on that lone bare shelf… I like the HiCap DR with my SN2 as well.


Hi Ants
Thinking about it, your 272/555DR/300 was not comparable in cost or design to your current bare NDX2 and bare SN3.
Maybe you have different speakers now too - as well as no external psus?
And maybe the new boxes are still burning in, and the system and cables and switches need to settle and may not be optimized yet?
Maybe the room and local electrical wiring and supply is also different?
So there’s a lot going on apart from the core boxes in that comparison.

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Have a Simrak coming this week. Currently have SN3/NDX2/XPSDR/HiCapDR. Wondering what the correct stacking order would be now I’m moving to a proper rack. My instinct is to have the NDX2 at the top (underneath the turntable) because it looks better. But is it wiser to have the SN3 at the top? Due to transformers etc. Anyone who’s had experience with a similar system advice welcome. Thanks. :pray:t3:

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I’d probably go with whatever works best for cable dressing - particularly the Burndy. So XPS at the bottom, then HC, You might find that having the NDX2 on top works better for the Burndy than the SN.


FWIW on my rack I have the NDX 2 on Top, the SN 2 below it, the HiCap DR, and XPS DR on the bottom. The main reason was the Burndy cable fit best between the NDX 2 and XPS DR with the separation.


Thanks guys :+1:t3: Think it’s arriving today! Excited! :grin:


I’ve recently bought a similar system which my dealer setup for me on a five stack FraimLite. On top is the NDX2, next is the SN3, then the Innuos Zen Mk3, then the Hi Cap and on the bottom shelf is the XPS DR.
All seems to work well and the sound produced is wonderful.


Thanks John, did that first then swapped the hicap with the xpsdr as actually helped with the burndy.

HiCap DR

Sounds pretty special. Was considering upgrading the SN3 last week, but since I’ve got a dedicated rack the uplift in sound is definitely noticeable. Rewiring has probably helped too! All Power lined up now too with a SL interconnect. I think I’m done now. It’s good enough!! Was dreaming about the 252 last week. Too expensive and more boxes. Happy as is :slight_smile: (until the :ant: strikes again…)


I reckon if I wish to upgrade I’d have to go for 252/300DR which would cost
the best part of £20,000.
Not sure the improvement would merit the cost.
Mind you I thought I was happy with a Nova and that was brilliant value.


Yeah I messaged my audio dealer before the price increase for exactly that, even with a nice discount… I much prefer the money sat in my account at this stage. I mean it sounds fantastic as is. (Apart from a slight balance issue with the SN3 at times) Feel I need to pull the reigns on myself! they’ve really nailed the upgrade path Naim… :money_with_wings::money_with_wings::money_with_wings: but it is fantastic Equipment! My vinyl doesn’t sound have the weight of my NDX2/XPSDR, only really annoyance at present. As love records as well. Spend most of my time on Qobuz. Anyway I’m rambling :grin:

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and you’re keeping the S40’s?

Yep :+1:t3: although John had me thinking about the Evoke 50s. Also was reading about the Titan 505s. The S40s get better and better so difficult to let them go. Plus the red look stunning in my apartment.

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Don’t listen to the Evoke 50s. I was happy with the 40s until I listened to the 50s.

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Yes, they was my conclusion too. Probably more with needing a headphone setup too, and the box count gets silly. A maxed out SN / NDX set up is pretty darn good after all.


Hey John have you tried just using a turntable with your dynaudios through the SN3? Just wondering how well it drives them? With mine and the NDX2 is really full and weighted And has lots of depth. Just the turntable with the SN3 isn’t quite as satisfying in all honesty. Not nearly the weight/authority/bass. You think this is the turntable? (Clearaudio concept) or that the SN3 performs a lot better with the NDX2s power+psu? Just curious as to who else is using solely the SN3 with dynaudios and how they’re getting on… I have used the turnatable with Roksan black before and although not perfect at all did have a lot more ‘grunt’ or depth of bass - which is definitely present with the NDX2 as well…

Mon, I’ve not tried a turntable on my system as I went over to digital sometime ago. I think the reason you maybe disappointed in the sound quality you are receiving from the turntable is because the NDX2 sound quality is outstanding.
When I first left vinyl I missed the warmth and thought my digital system was cold by comparison. However, I think Naim have made huge strides in recent years regarding their streamers and as a consequence I’m happy to stick solely to digital.

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Mon, I should have added that I’ve found the Evoke 50s a brilliant match with the SN3 & NDX2. Plenty of bass and grunt. With the S40s I owned before I was thinking of using a sub, no need with the Evoke. I loved the sound of the S40s but the Evoke are in a different league.