NDX2/555dr vs ND555/555dr

If this post was NDS/555DR versus ND555/555DR and the comments were the same I’d be feeling very tempted indeed.

But I’ve always got the impression the gap between NDS and ND555 is not so great. That’s what I like to tell myself anyway!


How could I have missed this thread
Yes - I really remember the same emotion.
I came from nd5xs2/nDAC /XPs.
No 500 amplification - but nearly… 52/135 into old SBL. :laughing:

Nd555 is really so good as source.
Now I am (only a few months later) an the edge to second PS.

After so much test listening I could imagine what second ps is doing.
Faster with more grip and detail… more separation…
But I really like the music being together … that’s what the wonderful PN brought…

By the way … so strange what room temperature does. Today very warm - so much better sound…


I upgraded from an NDX2… Definitely a difference, and for the better. But it wasn’t ‘mind blowing’
I’ve upgraded quite a bit and I honestly think. When you get to a certain level, the differences aren’t as amazing as you would expect.


I agree, it’s a case of diminishing returns. Unfortunately Naim have structured the improvements in such a clever way that you just reconcile the cost differences.
Brilliant sales plan!


Now here’s a good work out, 10 am on the dial. Stunning. This is a pretty heavy and complex test track and it just does the business. Where did that bass come from?

Nice album, listened to it on the SuperUniti whilst working.

Tidal Max (MQA unfortunately).

However it led me to Acoustic Sessions EP which is excellent (24/44.1)

Thanks for the recommendation!

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Sounding great today, last night was not so good - very bloated. Now I remember the joys :flushed: of burn in and I read on the ND555 impressions thread that it needs 600 hrs to burn-in…… will carry on with the radio on mute.


Very interesting. I have an NDX2 which I love but feel that it could be even better. I am struggling to determine a ‘notch’ of improvement per £ or how many little notches of improvement each £ (£k?) gets you.

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Have you got a PS on the NDX2?
The 555PS upgrade was significant probably the most sonic upgrade I’ve had on my journey…

I got my ND555 for a very good price… after the trade in it worked out I’d paid 4k for the upgrade.


I found that adding a power supply (an XPS in my case) added a nice uplift - the music was more organic, the bass slightly fuller, and the overall experience more organic


Also, a better switch and a power supply for the switch makes a very good improvement per $.


Totally agree!

I got an EE switch and it definitely made a difference

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What I found quite odd is. I bought an expensive network cable with the switch and it sounded awful!!

Bought the cheaper chord C stream and everything just sounded right


No PSU to date - interesting option. The 500 series PSU would cost approx £8k, the NPX 300 £5,700.
I wonder what the improvement would be with either option.

@andypandya1 @Mike_S , switches - how would I connect? I cannot get a wired connection to my NDX2.

I know it’s a lot of money but the 555PS to the NDX2 will make a huge difference (and I mean huge)… (and you need it for the ND555 if you want to upgrade later down the line)
Honestly I wouldn’t buy it from new… Far too expensive!
All my HI-FI is secondhand. And purchased at probably half the price of the RRP.


I would do what you can to get a wired connection…
Can you run a cat 6 from your router?

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Sadly no. The house was re-furnished about 5 years ago so no more upheaval would be allowed.

My better half has agreed to me spending £15k on an upgrade that she totally sees no point in so annoying her with a visible cable routing would be taking the Mickey. I will acce§pt her very reasonable constraint.


I’d get your partner a spa weekend. Then get the drill out :joy:

The do 5k on a S/H 555ps and when they notice the cable give them the 10k back



Ha ha, the only problem is neither of us like anything second hand. She really is a low maintenance woman that I respect very much so no trickery :joy: