NDX2 and NSS333


But how would you do that?

Option 1:
NDX2/555DR - 332/300 - 350s
333/300 - 332/300 - 350s

Option 2:
NDX2/555DR - 252/300
333/300 - 252/300

And you could also test the streamers bare to remove the effect of streamer PSUs.

For it to be a useful test, youā€™d need excellent set up, electrical environment, listening room.

And then you may find a clear winner.

Or not.

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Probably not ha :grinning:

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I like your new Avatar = much easier to find your wise words now! :+1:


Steve commented in detail on the differences b/w the NC and old classic streaming. In short, the 222/333 are not tarted up old classic streamers. Sharing a component does not make them the same. And thatā€™s evident when you listen to them.


How would you describe the 333 sound?

Cheers. Thought it was time for a change but I still wanted to keep the blue/yellow colours.


Or better:
NDX2/300 vs 333/300 (both have same PSU)

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Remaining permutation:
NDX2/555DR vs 333/555DR (both have same PSU)

Iā€™m interested in

333/nDAC/555PSDR vs NDX2/nDAC/555PSDR

If we do eventually move to 332 we lose system automation, unless we also move to the new streamer as transport.


Does system automation allow you to change the volume from the Naim app?

I just use a remote.

It does, but you canā€™t mix Classic and New Classic boxes and expect SA to work, as the new range uses an optical SA connection instead of a wire.


I would suggest it makes no sense to buy a 333 to front an n-dac. You could buy a dedicated streamer without dac that would almost certainly out-perform the 333 in that role. When I got my n-dac I tried it with an NDX and innuos pulse (approx Ā£2k) and preferred the pulse.


No it makes absolutely no sense, but SWMBO does like to control everything via one remote. This is the main reason we have an NDX2 and not an ND5XS2.

So we couldnā€™t mix and match classic and NC, as @ChrisSU says, because system automation wouldnā€™t work.

If we were to invest in 332 Iā€™d likely replace NDX2 and nDAC with updated separate boxes. SWMBO unlikely to sponsor this :laughing: Sheā€™d lose the one remote and is very happy with current system.

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I was about to suggest replacing the n-Dac/next would be the best bet

Iā€™ve been listening at home to the NSS333/NPX300 this week so can give my opinion for what itā€™s worth.

As a background, I previously had HDX/nDAC/555PS and have tried an NDX2 at home on two separate occasions and whilst I really wanted to like it I never felt that it stacked up to my previous kit. Each time I tried it I found I would get bored whilst listening - the NDX2 never quite held my attention. Long story short I ended up with an ND555 which was noticeably better.

As others have mentioned there are similarities between the NDX2 and NSS333 but there are also a few differences in the internal configuration. To my ears the NSS333 is much more preferable than how I remember the NDX2. Thereā€™s loads of detail but it still sounds very musical and engaging. The bass seems very tight and well defined too.

I would agree that itā€™s not quite at ND555 level but to my ears the NSS333 is closer to the ND555 than the NDX2.


Thanks for that interesting comparison. Did you listen to the NSS333 with or without a separate power supply?

It was with the NPX300 power supply

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Sorry - you did say so and I missed it.

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So, for you, the NDX2/555PS is bettered by the NSS 333 ā€“ 300NPX?

Did you try each without PS by any chance?
