NDX2 vs NSC222

I certainly feel very fortunate to have what I do today and I’m fairly certain at some point in the future it will evolve again and likely incorporate elements of the New Classic range.
I’ve certainly learnt over the years that’s it’s ok to do nothing at all at times and is often the best thing to do.
I’m sure if I had the freetime and funds I’d be buying the new kit, reality is I have young children that consume a lot of any free time I might get and the cost of the new kit doesn’t sit comfortably with my short to mid term priorities.
I can certainly see a home for both the NAP 250 and the NPX 300 in my current system, New Classic NAC’s is what I’m most keen to hear, especially in the mix of an Old Classic system, whilst the NSC 222 is a great product and well matched with the other 200/300 Series products already announced, my preference is towards a dedicated preamp and dedicated sources, with my NDX 2 remaining in the mix longer term regardless, it can also be improved upon with an NPX 300 which in turn can almost certainly be used elsewhere longer term as needed (preamp, new source etc).
Certainly keen to hear of others assessment and evaluation relative to their own systems and journeys.


The new 250, yes. The NSC 222, not better vs 282/bare Ndx2. I heard the trio at my dealer place, on same speakers as 282/250 dr/ Ndx2. Not compared directly, but I know how the last old trio sounds.


If your test was NSC222 vs NDX2+282+HiCap: into 250DR and speakers your finding is not surprising.
Did you compare NSC222+NPX300?

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I have heard the same, what does NSC stand for? Naim Static Collector? That perspex centre must be really attractive for dust, I guess that is why the provide a duster.


I think the whole concept of an all-in-one is stand-alone, and not a stepping stone to anything (other than another all-in-one, or buying a separates system from scratch, albeit temporarily using one or other part of the all in one as a stand-in.).

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When once I had a look/listen to a Muso in a shop, my wife’s immediate reaction was to comment on the dust trap presented by the channel around the volume control - now a common feature from Statement downwards…. As she put it, clearly not designed by a woman (or a man who does dusting).

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Did you try the NDX 2 into the DIN input on the 222?

Context is everything. You could have added a 252, or almost a 552 to your system for the price of your new stuff, and I’d expect that would be a much better system although more boxes.

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The 300 ps was connected. I found the Ndx2 /282/hicap /250 dr more organic and open. Livelier.
The NSC was leaner but clearer.


I found the new 250 very nice. But wonder if that perplex part will last in time. The XLR is very appealing to me, my preamp is balanced.

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Thanks for clarifying. I concur with clearer and gentler/refined (your view less lively) but not experiencing a lean presentation it’s full bodied but perhaps that is what NC250 adds.

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At a recent demo of the new system at my dealer Oxford Audio, Darren (from Naim) used the phrase Naim Streaming Control for NSC, also said NPX was Naim Power eXternal. I’m sure someone will say if I misheard.

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Yes, very perplexing. :smile:


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I even not written it intentionally. But yes, for now it’s more perplex than perpex :joy:



An a252 thit not sounded better then the stereoknight. The Precision volume of the nsc222 beat the stereoknight

It would have been interesting, revealing how the two streamers compare into the 222 preamp.

Wait—seems from this post that you did?

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Yes, the ndx-2 was connected to the analog input of the nsc-222. And easy to compare with roon. I have not yet placed the ndx-2 directly on the new nap250 input.

I’m not sure the NDX2 connected directly to the 250 would tell us much.