Neotech NEET-1008 and Audioquest Vodka

I tried to find beldam Ethernet cables in Europe but could not find any to buy a few meters, so purchased this one CANARE RJC6-4P-SFM.

Made some canare Ethernet cables, in the end they replaced two vodkas in the network. But still have a vodka in the server and a diamond in the streamer, because the combination gave me the most of my living room system.

The canare added bass and tridimensionality that resulted great, all canare did not work that great, but the final result with them was better than having all vodka.

But still need to find a store that I can buy beldan in meters.

I’m very very much liking the Catsnake 6a (floating) between Cisco 2960 & ND555. Rebalancing the system after some changes is always a delicate operation.



Hello everyone,

I am currently using the following streaming chain with my Classic 500 setup;

FTTH---->BJC Cat6a 2ft---->IP Router----->BJC Cat6 0.5m---->CISCO 2960 Switch---->BJC Cat6 6m----->EE8 Switch

Naim Core----->Chord C 0.75m----->EE8

EE8----->Chord C 0.75m----->EE1----->Designacable CATsnake 6a Floating earth 1.5m----->ND555

Changes that DID NOT work:

Audioquest Vodka in place of the CATsnake. Rather overblown at the bottom end and ragged at the top. The music appeared unbalanced and not as controlled.

Innuos PhoenixNet – Replacing the EE8 with the PN provide no palpable improvement. In fact, the PRaT and speed were dampened. The music became less involving and transparent. This was a rather surprising result!

The EE1 did darken the background slightly but the effect was minimal and only just managed to vindicate the expenditure.

So having addressed the other cables in system in the pursuit of squeezing out every last drop of musical performance, it is time to take another look at the Streaming chain.

I should mention that not all expensive and highly recommended upgrades were a success. I already mentioned the PhoenixNet, but I had a similar experience with the Chord Company Music DIN interconnect, which was rather disappointing compared to the Naim Superlumina. Primarily a loss of PRaT and speed.

In my experience more expensive, does not necessarily mean a perceived improvement in system performance will be forthcoming.

I am contemplating the following upgrades:

Naim Core----->Chord C 0.75m----->EE8
Audioquest Diamond 0.75m

The Audioquest Diamond appears to be highly rated and available in the shorter 0.75m length and this works nicely in my rack. The conventional wisdom appears to rate the Diamond highly vs the boisterous teenager, that is the Vodka.

EE8----->Chord C 0.75m----->EE1----->Designacable CATsnake 6a Floating earth 1.5m----->ND555

In this signal chain I am tempted by the Shunyata Sigma which incorporates two CMode Filters. This would enable the removal of the EE1 filter for use elsewhere in the chain or sale. Conventional wisdom (professional and user reviews), points to the Sigma being a significant upgrade on the AQ Diamond.

The Shunyata Sigma (1.5m) is currently available to me for the discounted price of £1260.

Other options are:

AudioQuest Diamond 1.5m £950 - EE1 removed from chain

Neotech NEET 1008 Silver Ethernet Cable 1.0m £190 x 2 = £380

EE1 remains in the chain.

There is a huge (3x) cost differential between the Shunyata Sigma and the Neotech Silver.

So, the question is; which cable should be top of my list? The obvious answer is conduct a three-way listening test, but this a not currently feasible.

It has also occurred to me that the Neotech Silver could be utilized at the front end of the chain between Modem---->Router-----> Switch but I would expect any impact to be minimal.

My final thought is replacing the 6m BJC Cat6 with Shunyata Venom-X but as this is a custom length, a listening test is not possible.

Any feed back from forum member on the above would be greatly appreciated.


I look forward to the outcome. What I find interesting is that your comments regarding pretty much everything that you’ve tried completely mirrors mine. I was surprised by the PN not being better than it was. Also, Vodka lasted about ten minutes it my system. Far too raucous for my tastes.

I am surprised that PhoenixNet didn’t improved on EE8 in your system, specially at your level ( Nd555). Recently @drago went from EE8 to PhoenixNet and was amazed.
But I don’t doubt your experience. Just I am surprised.

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I know. My dealer really rates the PN but I’ve loaned the shops one twice just to make sure and each time it’s failed to impress but at least it looks like it’s not just me!

Hello :slightly_smiling_face:
Today’s hi-fi products have become so good,.so my/our experience is that if you are going to test, evaluate,.
compare cables,you have to give them a so-called “settle-time”.

:diamonds:This applies to all cables…!!

Already an hour after connecting a cable in the music-system you hear a difference…BUT…
If you connect a new cable in the music-system,.you should wait until the next day to listen critically, and to draw any conclusions.
In other words,.give the cable the “settle-time” it needs to perform at its peak.
This is well known and accepted today in professional evaluations, unfortunately this knowledge has not spread to everyone yet…

SO,.therefore many people draw incorrect conclusions when evaluating cables before a possible purchase.

:small_orange_diamond:Below is a picture of some of the XLR-cables I evaluated in the last month for my headphone-system.
Everyone had to sit connected for 20 hours at each change before a critical listening was conducted.

There was a clear difference between one hour of connection,.and 20 hours of connection.

Sorry peder, I was speaking more metaphorically regarding the ten minutes in the system. It actually spent a week in full use but still didn’t really gel. I much preferred the presentation from Catsnake.

Yes, as I said it was a surprise that the PN provided no benefit to my system. I have the highest regard for Sean Jacobs (PN LPS design) and I am sure in the correct situation, significant improvements can be achieved. It just goes to show upgrades really are system/room specific. Anyway, it is good to know that there are other folk out there that had a similar experience.

Me too! I have expanded upon this in my reply to Geko.

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Yes, sometimes you just have to believe your own ears. But there is a weight of expectation when the dealer and conventional wisdom points to a significant benefit.

Of course your comments are absolutely valid. I never reach any conclusion until the cable has been in my system for at least one week. I tend to find it is only when you switch back to the original cable after a significant listening period, can you truly evaluate any benefit. There are some cables that have taken a month to open up to their true potential (WitchHat comes to mind). The AQ Vodka also appears to have an extended run in period. Unfortunately even after nearly 60 days in my system, it remained a boisterous, unruly teenager:-) and had to go.

Do you still recommend the Neotech NEET 1008 over other ethernet cables you have tried? I must admit I am leaning towards the Shunyata Delta, so I can remove the EE1 from the streaming chain.

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Yes - for my ears there was a huge difference! The PN brought both speed and flow. The ee8 is speedy with smps and with a LPs it was less speedy but better flowing.
But to be honest - I updated similar to the vodka, but tested also with Clearway (ee8 against PN). I very much like the things innous does … now with zenith :smile:

It’s not annoy me being totally happy with PN. @GraemeH has also updated from ee8 with Forrester PS and is very happy as I remember :grinning:

I read again your post. Did you kept the EE1 in the chain with the PN?
Could you burn in at least 10 days 24/24 the PN?

Are yes there maybe some synergy between Innous equipment that is not always apparent with a Naim source. It is similar to folk recommending very costly Chord Company cables for systems that utilise Linn or other such front ends. They do not necessarily provide the same level of performance in a purely Naim audio chain. IMO there is a lot of benefit from the synergy SuperLumina and Powerline cables bring to the table. To my ears Naim engineers really know what they are doing!
BTW…I am certainly not saying the PN is a poor product, just that it did not work in my Naim 500 setup, as detailed in the thread.

The EE1 was not in the chain when I had the PN on home demo. The dealer kindly allowed me almost 28 days with the PN (a run in demo unit), so it was well settled in. I did experiment with different PS locations and found it was best running it off a separate socket rather than from my dedicated mains radial and MusicWorks block.

I also took the Cisco out of the equation but that made no difference to my ears.

The EE8 simply sounded more alive, more PRaT and faster in my system. However I quite understand the results could well be different in other systems.

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The ee8 is really fast - especially with SMPS. Do you use the SMPS as or have you connected it to a LPS?
With LPS the sounds gets more organic, more rounded, but less speedy with a bit missing sparkle at the top end. The PN (in my way combined with vodka cable) brought both together - speed and organic sound. With Innuos server the sound has become even more speedy.
My ears - my system .- my mood :slight_smile:

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No, I have not tried an LPS. Some folk report an improvement but The Chord Company recommends sticking with stock SMPS.

If the Vodka/PN combination works for your ears, it’s a winner. In my system neither components worked and I have now moved on to ‘squeezing the pips’ out of the ethernet cable.

Would be interested to hear if @Peder @NigelB @Marty_SF @Blackbird have anything to add on the choice between Neotech 1008, Shunyata Sigma or AQ Diamond??

I have never tried those models.

Are you still running DesignaCable CATSnake Nigel? I have been very happy with mine since I purchased based on your recommendation. Now looking to experiment a little.