Network problems with ND5XS2 and NAS drive

I use the newer white ones with two SFP ports as that’s enough for my needs. I run my whole network at 100 meg as I have no need for more, it uses a bit less power, and in theory it might even reduce network noise that could affect sound quality.

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Indeed - I just found Roon more responsive with a faster switch once they moved to Roon 2.0, otherwise 100Mb was more than enough and as you say, brings possible advantages with network ‘noise’. I’m 100Mb on the lounge section as the PhoenixNET only supports 100Mb.

I think I like the idea of an EE8 switch. And possibly switch for tv, sky, av amp.

You reckon run the EE8 of 1st switch and EE8 becomes 2nd?

To experiment, I don’t need any cables. Will start with 2 cheaper switches in a few weeks and see how it sounds, or makes network better or worse.

You probably want a switch that supports IGMP, as that manages media much better across all your media devices. My router only has one port and doesn’t support IGMP, so I go from router to Cisco with TV and EE8 plugged in, then streamer off the EE8. If your router supports IGMP and has enough ports, then an extra cheap switch may not serve any purpose, so plug EE8/TV/Sky/AV amp into Router outer, then NAS/Steamer into EE8…just an idea for thought

it will be down to the wireless dual channel part connected to the device that is running the app. my bt hub 2 has both 2.4ghz and 5ghz and run the app on my iphone 15 pro (used to be iphone 14 pro) the phone connected to wifi fluctuates between both frequncies which throws off the streamer, theres an easy fix. turn off either the 5ghz or the 2.4ghz. it fixed my nds.

ps. it has nothing to do with any of your hard wired network stuff

I have BT SH2 and use both 2.4 & 5GHz without problems.
However I do have my iPad set/fixed to 5GHz which is the same thing in practice.
That said I did have an IP Address conflict a while back, but a complete reset checking its all DHCP seems to have fixed it.

How did you force your ipad to use 5ghz only? yea thats the same thing really

It’s not possible to ‘force’ a BT SH2 to 5GHz as it’s not possible to differentiate SSID’s.
What I’ve done is to set wifi preferences.
Wireless adapter in Device Settings, Advanced tab, set to prefer 5GHz.
My BT SH2 Extender disc is set to 5GHz.
This seems to set all wifi devices around the house to either 5GHz or the WiFi Disc (5GHz) except the 2.4GHz only devices.

you can switch it off in the menu on a bt hub though mate

So just for the record, I have explained before I don’t have laptop. How can I manage a managed switch without one? Why do I need one that supports IGMP.

Was thinking plug and play unmanaged switch for TV, sky, blu ray player and AV amp. So 8 port unmanaged switch. Then link that to switch for NAS and ND5XS2.

What is advantage of IGMP managed switch? With little interest in networking and problems with Cisco 2960. I want simple solution.

I may get a laptop in future. (I have 3 but all are now defunct and I use my phone for everything including business). But not priority.

Looking at Netgear 8 port Gigabit switch GS308 for TV and AV equipment then get a smaller Netgear switch for NAS and ND5XS2 to start as per one recommended earlier in thread.

What do you think? Will this yield any improvement at all?

your looking in the wrong place dude, do you have a tablet or phone of any kind? im guessing so with the naim app on.

all you need to do is switch of one of the wifi frequencies off in your wifi router, this will fix the issue with your nds and new streamer, with tidal and nas etc

the ipad etc you use the naim app on will often change which frequency its using, this throws off your streamer. for months i thought it was because i was using an old streamer but it wasnt that

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The issue is fixed. I am not talking about fixing it. I am looking at improving network.

how did you fix it mate? very interested in this bit

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I took out Cisco switch. Everything works seamlessly again. Currently ND5XS2 and NAS, Sky Box and TV connected to router. Meant to be improved connectivity and sound quality with switches.

see how it goes mate but id put money on it the problem comes back. i do use a Cisco aswel, they are pretty solid.

now its fixed, are you going to do an NDS vs ND5xs2 comparison? that would be so usefull to many people i would think

A Cisco managed switch could have any sort of weird and wonderful settings applied. Without a factory reset who knows, as your dealer has advised.

A 2960 has IGMP on by default, which should actually help responsiveness of devices to the app.

The fact introducing the switch caused problems suggests it did not have a default setup, because a default config should be seamless just like it wasn’t there.

The NDS is used as DAC so is being used all the time with NDXS2 as transport.

I am using Qobuz alot now which is not supported by NDS.

The ND5XS2 bare sounds bright in comparison. Not the same depth.

Using NDS without ND5XS2 now doesn’t make sense unless I use different apps.

For now If switches are going to add to sound quality then it maybe worth exoerimenting with cheap unmanaged switches.

Why do you think problem will come back. Advice from dealers was problem with Cisco. What is your thought process?